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What to Know About Coping With Surgery Anxiety – Our Guide

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No matter your age, an upcoming surgery can cause worry and discomfort. Even more so for children—the prospect of better healthcare and having to endure a scary procedure might be challenging to reconcile. It is entirely normal to be concerned about something as significant as this, but it can have more severe consequences if the worrying persists. Here are things to note when coping with a fear of surgery.

Why do people experience surgical anxiety?

There are various reasons why people experience surgical anxiety. From fearing the unknown to having an awful prior experience, this type of condition is rooted in some belief about the procedure. Other people can be anxious because of the changes it will cause in their appearance or bodily functions.

How do you cope with this kind of condition?

If you are scared of not knowing what to expect, prepare yourself by reading medical news articles and researching as much as you can. A complete understanding of the procedure you will undergo, including the anesthesia to be used in your surgery, will help you face the situation.

Sometimes, it is not the unknown that is scary, but the idea of having to pay for a large medical bill afterward. If you are anxious about financial matters, find out ahead of time if you can get some form of disability coverage, health insurance, and sick time from work. Identify the costs that the healthcare provider will pass to you and see if you can arrange for a payment plan with the hospital before the procedure.

What if the procedure itself is what scares you?

In some situations, it is not the outcome or the lack of resources that worry patients. If the surgery itself causes you anxiety, seeking out information about it might not alleviate your feelings. 

In this case, you could consult a surgeon about prescription drug therapies that could help you calm down. If you’ve witnessed a relative or loved one suffer from a similar procedure, speak with your specialist beforehand. They will remind you that outcomes are different for each patient and that what happened to them will likely not happen to you.

Should you seek surgical anxiety counseling?

Surgery for life-threatening illnesses like cancer is a whole other matter, and you could benefit from having a person with whom you can discuss your concerns. Since your counselor is not directly involved in your procedure, they can offer you a caring outsider’s point-of-view, especially when your friends and loved ones cannot be objective.

Counseling sessions can also help you address other fears you have regarding healthcare or surgery in general. Speaking to a therapist can help you get rid of unhelpful beliefs, and they can recommend exercises that can help you regulate your emotions.


Anxiety is an understandable reaction to a significant, potentially life-changing event like surgery. When a patient manifests stress responses to an upcoming procedure, they have several options. First, they can research the surgery and prepare themself this way. Another option is to ask questions from the doctor who will perform the surgery. Finally, a patient could undergo a structured series of sessions with a counselor, especially if the anxiety becomes debilitating and disruptive.

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