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Use These Metrics to Boost Your Facility’s Marketing Efforts

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There are tons of digital tools and marketing metrics available to people who want to grow their hospital’s online presence. However, it can be challenging to figure out which data is critical and which ones are just nice to know. Institutions who want to grow their medical blogs or get their website to rank high in searches benefit from tracking these metrics.

The Average Patient Rating

Today, establishments see a significant amount of traffic to their site or their physical store from Google My Business listings. Ratings are a good overview of how well a medical facility delivers its services, and most local businesses average 4.42 stars on Google My Business. 

Also, encourage patients to leave a review of your practice on Google. More than rating-based reviews, though, written reviews can help convince a casual browser to check out an establishment. You send post-care prompts via text messaging to your patients.

The Cost Of Acquiring Patients

An increase in patient acquisition could mean it’s time to revisit your digital marketing strategies. Consider low-cost techniques like text messaging and SEO. In particular, text messaging is persuasive—it has a 98 percent open rate because only people who opt-in receive them.

Patient Satisfaction Scores

Online reviews are critical, but you should also track patient satisfaction scores using your organization’s metrics. Better healthcare starts with knowing what is and isn’t working in an organization, and using feedback forms from your own company will help you put things in context. Also, ask for feedback explicitly via text, especially for people who had just finished a check-up or an appointment.

Days In Accounts Receivable

Speed to payment is also a valuable metric. Convenience is essential to customer journeys, but most health systems still use paper and manual processes. It can take patients weeks to fill out snail mail, which slows down the collection of medical bills. Leverage technology and enable patients to pay electronically. Consider mobile payment options; these are secure, fast, and are what patients prefer using today. Offering various modes of payment is one way of showing them that you’re committed to patient convenience.

Percentage Of Marketing-Originated Patients

When you know your marketing-originated patient percentage, you have a concrete idea of the effects of your marketing efforts and conversion funnel. If the percentage is low, you should reconsider your funnel and find out where you’re getting new patients. You can adjust the portions of your conversion funnel to lean into what needs more work.

Your NPS Or Net Promoter Score

You can also use your NPS to predict business growth. Customer service provides you with insights into how people feel about your brand. Though you’re sure to get both positive and negative feedback, you can use both types to help grow your practice. Improve your NPS by offering more conveniences for your patients. Mobile bill payments, FAQs through webchat, and customized touchpoints will improve your score.


Building a good reputation does not happen overnight, but you can achieve it if you focus on patient experience. Providing a seamless customer journey tells them you care for their comfort and look after all aspects of their hospital stay.

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