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Understanding Blockchain Applications in the Healthcare Industry

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Blockchain technology has begun to rise in popularity because of its advanced security features, a quality that many industries regularly seek to implement in their systems. Blockchain is a method of recording information securely, preventing users from changing, cheating, or gaining unauthorized access to the system. It is also known as digital ledger technology or DLT since it duplicates or distributes transactions across the network of computer systems.

Given its tamper-resistant nature, DLT has proven to be incredibly useful in the healthcare industry, where altered transactions often lead to confusion and chaos. It’s also reliable since the blocks are connected by hashes or cryptographic keys stored in the shared ledgers, with each node having a copy of the whole chain. Since it is always synchronized, the data is kept secure and private.

The Pros and Cons of Blockchains in Healthcare

DLT is applicable in many parts of the healthcare industry, although many of its activities are not associated with transactions. Still, the technology offers many benefits to healthcare professionals, such as decentralized management, data provenance, traceable information, unchangeable databases, the availability to authorized users, and many more. It also safeguards the data from unauthorized users’ access by encrypting it, unlockable only by a patient’s private key.

However, blockchain is not without its disadvantages and issues. Public blockchains are not advisable to be stored with private information like identifying health data because numerous people can access sensitive details. Blockchain technology is also in danger of falling to specific attacks, even though it has built-in protection against others. It still commands extra attention to information security, which means that healthcare professionals should not put identifiable data on the chain. Patient privacy remains the top priority, which means that hospital staff and workers cannot risk any data breach into their patients’ confidential and identifying information.

Blockchain Applications in Healthcare

Blockchains in healthcare are present in five areas: the protection of healthcare data, personal health record data management, point-of-care genomics management, electronic health records data management, and managing electronic medical record (EMR) data. Some applications include research, where researchers can use electronic health records to view various data that promotes public health reporting and clinical research. 

This technology also makes it easier for patients to switch between providers. Individuals can use the information on the blockchain, unlock it, and share it with other organizations or providers through a private but shareable key. Health information technology can then be collaborative and interoperable, allowing a seamless transition for patients with their new providers.

As blockchains can generate a single system for synced and regularly updated health records, authorized users can quickly secure the needed information. Since the process is simpler and more streamlined, healthcare providers can avoid miscommunication, prevent expensive mistakes, and allow faster diagnosis and interventions. 

Blockchain Applications’ Role in Remote Monitoring

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of remote monitoring in patients, leading to the rise of mobile health applications. The healthcare industry found EMRs safe and secure in a blockchain network, which was easily sent to select medical personnel right away. The data was also available for home care and self-monitoring, improving remote monitoring’s overall efficiency. 

However, it’s important to note that this area is vulnerable to malware, as the hacker can use the root exploit to access the patient’s private key. 


Blockchain applications have proven to be incredibly useful in the healthcare industry, allowing professionals to provide better healthcare to their patients. Regardless, it’s crucial to be aware of its vulnerabilities, as maintaining patient confidentiality and guarding their health data is the utmost priority.

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