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Top 3 Medical Innovations that Slipped Your Radar in 2020 – Part 1

man in blue crew neck t-shirt standing beside woman in orange tank top

Technological advancements are revolutionizing multiple industries worldwide, and 2020 welcomed an innovative line-up thanks to the pandemic fast-tracking the need for virtual reality, the Internet of Medical Things, and more. 

With technology at our fingertips, the healthcare system can catapult forward to a client-centric industry that strives to minimize hospitalization, related costs, and cater to a time of social distancing. 

It’s taking the landscape into a digital shift, but in case you missed out on all the action, the list below puts a spotlight on some of the game-changing medical technologies to grace 2020:

1. Artificial Intelligence Minimizing Errors and Boosting Efficiency in Diagnosis, Process, and Security 

One of the biggest innovations that have become deeply integrated into modern healthcare is the boom of artificial intelligence. 

What was once the topic of sci-fi narratives now plays a pivotal role in helping medical professionals detect cyber attacks, malware infections, and other security measures that are costing a whopping $1 trillion dollars in the industry as hackers took advantage of the coronavirus-related chaos. 

Beyond increasing the performance of cybersecurity in healthcare, artificial intelligence also takes up a key part in breaking barriers in comprehensive care – from providing a more accurate diagnosis, speeding up data collection, and using algorithms to forecast possible diseases. 

2. Robotics Easing the Pressure on Surgeons

The thought of allowing a fully-functioning robot to handle life or death situations seem daunting for patients, but surgical robotics can significantly expand the surgical sector by assisting humans with menial tasks. 

It also removes the geographical barriers by allowing robots to deliver medical supplies in rural areas, while micro-bot makes it possible to target hyper-specific parts of the body, such as clearing bacterial infections, tumors, and more. 

3. Wearable Tech and Telehealth 

Now that the economy is mostly home-bound to curb the spread of the ongoing coronavirus, innovations like wearable fitness trackers allow people to maintain their health in the comforts of their own space. It paves the way for opportunities to detect any alarming symptoms involving the heart, blood pressure, temperature, and more. 

Patients can also send instant notifications to their doctors, bridging the communication gap, and allowing everyone access to health support no matter where they are in the globe. 

The Bottom Line: Medical Technologies that Made a Breakthrough in 2020

Technology is truly a wonder that’s innovating the healthcare system in more ways than one – from machine learning optimizing automotive tasks, AI-powered software that increases the accuracy of diagnosis, to the rise of drone-delivered medical supplies in a time when the economy is under quarantine.

These are some of the best innovations that are improving medicine at an incredible rate, and the dawn of the new year is about to see plenty of technological breakthroughs that prove that even in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, there will always be a hopeful tomorrow. 

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