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The Secret to a Happier and Longer Life Is Spreading Smiles

closeup photography of woman smiling

Viruses and diseases pose a threat to our health and decrease the number of years that we have. These are easily spread, so many individuals do their best not to pass these contagious illnesses to others. However, there is one thing we should keep spreading for us to have more years to live: a smile.

Cheesiness aside, there are countless health benefits you can get from smiling. Smiling is essential to incorporate in your life because it releases endorphins, a powerful chemical that improves your mood, reduces stress, and makes you feel calmer. When you change your behavior and outlook in life, so will your perspective on living. This transformation will ultimately help you live better. 

Smiling is an incredibly easy action to inject in your daily life and won’t only make you feel better, but also the people around you. Here are reasons why smiling is important to our daily lives.

Smiling improves your immune system

Your immune system’s job is to defend your body from infections and viruses that try to attack your cells and make you sick. A great way to improve your immune system is by helping your body relax and relieve yourself from stress. When you smile, you decrease the serum cortisol responsible for elevating your body’s stress levels. While your body decreases cortisol levels, it boosts your immune system to combat infections naturally. 

Smiling helps you look younger

It’s a fact when they say that the best accessory you can wear is your smile. Smiling can instantly make you look and feel more attractive, therefore, making you feel more youthful. 

When you frown, you tend to use more facial muscles and effort to produce that expression. This adds strain to your muscles, developing wrinkles around your forehead and mouth quite easily. However, when you smile, you use lesser facial muscles, your face is more relaxed and lessens the appearance of wrinkles. 

Smiling will help you live longer

One of the incredible health benefits of smiling is it helps you live longer. When you smile, you lower your heart rate, which then reduces your blood pressure. This helps relax your body and puts you in a state of calm, which helps eliminate stress. 

Stress levels are decreased and symptoms of depression can be relieved when you smile. Smiling increases dopamine production and releases serotonin, ultimately reducing stress. When you reduce stress in your body, your physical and mental health will be more stable, and your body will function properly. This is why smiling helps you live longer.


Laughter is indeed the best medicine and smiling really is the best accessory to wear. Smiling and laughing are actions that you should start spreading because they not only benefit your health, but also improve the well-being of people around you. When you start spreading joy and smile, you’ll notice their fantastic health benefits and use them as your go-to natural medicine.

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