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The Health Benefits of Guar Gum – What You Must Know

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Food manufacturers and the healthcare industry have several uses for guaran or guar gum, a polysaccharide used as an additive in food processing. Guaran is made from legumes called guar beans, and its solubility allows producers to use it as a gel or binding product. 

The Food and Drug Administration deems guar gum as safe for consumption in specific amounts. This food additive has a low calorie and fiber content at five to six percent.

What items use guar gum?

Ice cream, yogurt, kefir, cheese, pudding, salad dressing, baked goods (especially gluten-free ones), sauces, and gravies all use guaran. You also find it in vegetable juices, soups, and breakfast cereals.

Beyond the food industry, guaran also has its uses. You can find it in medications, paper products, textiles, and even cosmetics.

What are the health benefits of guar gum?

Guar gum is a versatile ingredient that comes with plenty of health benefits. Consuming it in moderate amounts can reduce the risk of heart disease and other chronic ailments since it promotes digestive health and reduces the body’s levels of blood sugar and cholesterol.

Aids the body’s digestion

This ingredient is high in fiber and acts as a prebiotic. It promotes the growth of good bacteria and supports digestive health. Aside from these, guar gum helps treat IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, reduce bloating, and increase stool frequency.

Lowers blood sugar

Since guaran is a type of soluble fiber, it slows the body’s absorption of sugar and can reduce blood sugar levels. This effect is especially helpful for diabetic patients. 

In a clinical trial published in Diabetologica, researchers noted a marked improvement in diabetic control among subjects who went on a long-term supplementation program with medicine containing guar gum.

Regulates blood cholesterol

Guaran also lowers cholesterol. Fiber binds with bile acids, which aids in excretion and decreases the bile acid levels in circulation. This makes the liver produce more bile acids from stored cholesterol, lowering cholesterol and fatty acid levels.

Helps maintain a healthy weight

There is research pointing to guaran’s ability to help in appetite control and weight loss. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition reports that partially hydrolyzed guar gum or PHGG might be one of the best natural soluble fibers for appetite control.

In the study, researchers noted that the addition of PHGG to subjects’ diets induced both acute and long-term satiety.

Effects of guar gum may vary

Although this food additive is, for the most part, a safe and beneficial ingredient, it is not for everyone. Some people must limit their intake of guaran since it is an allergen for some individuals.

Another thing to note is that too much of it can cause digestive dysfunction, like having too much gas and bloating. If you think you have guar gum sensitivity, consider eliminating it from your diet or reducing the amount you take.


Guar gum is a multi-purpose and economical ingredient used in many industrial manufacturing processes. Since it is a soluble fiber, it helps in keeping cholesterol and blood sugar levels low. Having a supplement with guar gum as an active ingredient will surely help diabetics and patients with chronic heart conditions.

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