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The Fight Against Misinformation: A Modern Healthcare Crisis

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With the Internet being at its most widespread, thanks to more people embracing it as a central point in their lives, information is far more accessible than ever. However, the growing lot of accessible data and knowledge also includes myths regarding health and wellness. 

Today, the international healthcare landscape is facing a crisis that goes far beyond the impact of COVID-19 alone because health misinformation is far more rampant than ever. Just like the most potent virus, this exact problem has grown to become increasingly uncontrollable because experts have been struggling to pinpoint sources of misinformation while stopping the spread. 

As more patients depend on the Internet for everything with regards to their health, the presence of misinformation now poses a bigger threat, one that may be equal to that of the Coronavirus. 

What is being done to combat misinformation?

Wasting no time in addressing the misinformation crisis at hand, healthcare experts and government entities around the world have banded together to unroll full-fledged efforts against misinformation. Fighting fire with fire, clinics, hospitals, officials, and independent practitioners have taken it upon themselves to create and release various marketing materials to educate patients in different situations. With the help of videos, graphic design posts, blog posts, and chatbot set-ups, myths and misconceptions are being fought with hard facts, research figures, and authoritative insights!

A collaborative effort worth recognizing

While the list of different efforts that are currently being undertaken to curb health misinformation online is growing, the most notable push today is coming from social media giant YouTube. Currently, the video-driven social media platform has dedicated itself to the fight against widespread myths by assembling a team of medical and health experts to create truthful and helpful content

Boasting copious amounts of credibility in the healthcare industry, the growing roster of experts is comprised of different professionals from acclaimed names, such as: 

  • Cleveland Clinic
  • Mayo Clinic
  • The American Public Health Association
  • The National Academy of Medicine

Through the help of experts in various fields, the video-sharing giant hopes to create accurate health-focused content that is as credible as it is helpful. Once the efforts are in full swing, those involved in the project will aim to attain a long-term goal of driving and spreading health literacy and education—potentially overturning the crisis at hand.

Why does it make sense?

Although there are different social media platforms today that can be used to combat the spread of health misinformation, YouTube is the top medium for all the right reasons.

According to newly appointed YouTube director and global head of healthcare and public health partnership Dr. Garth Graham, he said that “People are already going to YouTube and other social media platforms to get answers to their health questions, so it’s key that they get evidence-based information to meet their needs.” Further emphasizing the importance of being where those in need are, the former CVS health chief community health officer states that “It’s important for us as clinicians, as providers, as people who run health systems and other large organizations to be where our community, our patients are.”

In fact, many of these patients end up on a platform like YouTube to find the answers to common health questions that they may have in mind.


Amid the buzz about COVID-19 and its various effects on human life, patients and professionals alike are also implored to zone in on the growing crisis of widespread health misinformation on the Internet. Fortunately, experts and social media entities—such as YouTube and its healthcare and public health partnership program—have responded to this problem with concrete efforts, well-configured output, and airtight strategies! 

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