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Sweet Relief: 3 Ways You Can Easily Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels

crutons and salad dish

Many adults across the world struggle with high cholesterol, especially in this fast-paced environment where people take on bad eating habits to cope with stress. Some accept that having a long-list of medication in your pockets is the only way to reduce cholesterol, but you don’t need to resort to pills if you make changes in your lifestyle early on. 

Cholesterol levels can quickly spike if your routine consists of an unhealthy diet and a lack of physical activity, but taking a more proactive approach to reform your habits can make a significant difference. 

The Role of Your Lifestyle in Affecting Your Cholesterol Levels 

According to the Pritikin program, several studies show that lowering your cholesterol through diet and exercise can drop the levels to 23 percent, reflecting a whopping 46 percent reduction in heart attack risks. With that in mind, the tried-and-true tips below should help you get started on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. 

Tip #1: Focus on Heart-Healthy Foods 

What you eat and drink are the biggest influences that can impact your cholesterol levels, so it makes sense that the natural way to combat heart disease is by improving your gastronomic choices. 

  • Avoid Saturated Fats – Reducing your intake on saturated fats found in full-fat dairy products or red meat, for instance, can help reduce “bad” cholesterol called the low-density lipoprotein (LDL). 
  • Eliminate Trans Fats – Avoiding trans fat from margarine, crackers, store-bought cakes, and cookies can also mitigate your risk of skyrocketing your overall cholesterol levels. 
  • Indulge in Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Not all fats are detrimental to your health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are essential to your diet as it can minimize your blood pressure, so don’t hold back when it comes to craving foods like salmon, mackerel, herring, walnuts, or flaxseeds. 

Tip #2: Increase Your Physical Activity 

Many people struggle to meet their fitness goals, but you don’t have to be a strict athlete or gym buff to introduce the right amount of exercise to your lifestyle. Physical activity can do wonders in raising high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which is the “good” kissing cousin of LDL cholesterol. 

Taking a brisk walk every morning, riding a bike, investing in a sport during the weekends, or just taking the time to walk whenever you can in short intervals daily can dramatically enhance your cholesterol profile. 

Tip #3: Manage Your Weight 

Seeing as your diet and physical activity go hand-in-hand when it comes to promoting a healthy cholesterol level, it makes sense to watch your weight in the process too. Carrying excessive pounds can make it challenging to incorporate activity into your routine and increase your sugar cravings. 

While you don’t need to join the Biggest Loser, shedding some weight and keeping active is crucial in maintaining a lifestyle free from heart disease risks. 

The Bottom Line: Lowering Your Cholesterol with TLC 

Suffering from high cholesterol can impact your daily life in more ways than one as it can increase your chances of developing heart disease. Heart attacks are not far from the picture too, but there are lifestyle changes you can do to improve your cholesterol. Speaking of which, the list above explores some of the simplest ways to get you on the right path to a healthier well-being. 

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