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Spicy Foods And Why You Shouldn’t Be Over-Indulging In Them

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Some people are just enthusiasts of spicy food or condiments that add a level of heat to their meals. While the flavors can be more enhanced and provide an entertaining meal to eat, some people are well unaware of the consequences overusing spices and condiments has on the body. We are not saying that all spicy foods are bad, but this article will educate you on the underlying effects these have when you indulge in them at extreme levels. 

You might be wondering how this could be since research shows that spicy foods have been proven to be good for blood circulation and the heart. This is a true statement but be reminded that everything should be consumed in moderation. Asian food is known to be cooked with a handful of spices each time, such as Indian and Thai recipes that are known to be very spicy, but these foods do a lot more to your stomach.

These foods can do wonders for your waistline, but can also worsen stomach ulcers and cause gastritis if the spices are too strong each time. This usually only holds true for people who already have existing stomach ailments, as the spiciness levels can make the symptoms more severe. They are also known to be irritants in the gut, which causes diarrhea and an overall uncomfortable trip to the bathroom. Spices also wear out the taste buds when exposed to them repeatedly at high intensities, so lessen the use of them if you plan to enjoy your favorite foods for years to come. 

You will normally feel the fiery sensation in your gastrointestinal tract and start sweating profusely, which are normal when indulging in foods with chilis. Over-indulgence of these can cause a few stomach ailments that are common due to the reaction of your stomach to the spiciness in food:

Acid Reflux 

Spices are normally a combination of acids, and when stomach acids get introduced to these, they react negatively and can damage the walls of the stomach. People may even develop GERD from eating too many spicy meals, which is uncomfortable and makes it difficult to enjoy your favorite food and drinks. In addition to that, you may feel the need to vomit because of the acid moving up from the stomach and wanting to burst outwards. 

Gastric Ulcers

When indulging in overly-spicy foods, these can aggravate ulcers in the sensitive mucosal lining in the small intestine or in the esophagus. These ulcers are very painful and cause incapacitating stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, and extreme weight loss. 

Loss Of Appetite

As mentioned above, moderate amounts of spice are okay, but if you consume reaper peppers on a daily basis, this is not going to be healthy. While it will wear out your tastebuds quickly, it will also make you lose your appetite because of the negative reactions spices have with your stomach. Make sure you stick to eating an acceptable amount of spicy foods to only two or three times a week but avoid overdoing it every day. 

Acute Gastritis

This is caused because of inflamed gastric mucosa, which is the membrane that lines the stomach. Most experience occasional bouts of gastritis that pass off as indigestion, but acute forms of it may include vomiting, nausea, headaches, and even blood in one’s stool and vomit. 


Always remember that it is acceptable to eat whatever you want, as long as it is done in moderation. Mix up your diet with flavorful, but less spicy foods to maintain the taste in your mouth as well as keep your stomach in good, free-flowing condition. The last thing anyone wants is to develop an illness that does not allow them to indulge in their favorite foods, so take care of your diet and body as well as you can. 

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