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Smoking & E-Cigarettes: Exposing the Dangers of Vaping

man in hoodie vaping

Smoking through e-cigarettes, commonly known as vaping, has become a popular trend for individuals looking for an alternative habit due to the oppressive taxation laws and restrictions that their previous vice already has imposed on it.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently taken a stand to consider the general public to avoid the use of e-cigarettes. This statement is in response to recent cases of vaping-induced illnesses that range from mild shortness of breath to complicating one’s respiratory system altogether.

Vaping’s birth and background

Vapes, or vaporizers, are devices used to heat a juice or smoking solution meant for inhalation. E-cigarettes, in particular, are a type of vape that makes use of a nicotine-based solution. In recent times, variations of vaping devices have made it possible to smoke marijuana as well.

The biggest issue lies with the creation of these vape solutions or cartridges. Cardiologist Tamanna Singh, MD of Cleveland Clinic, breaks down the components of what’s contained in these substances. Formaldehyde is a deadly carcinogen and a prominent byproduct that’s been isolated through the vapor of these juices.

Besides the carcinogenic byproduct, vape solutions also contain purified nicotine. For those familiar with cigarette addiction, the same effect can also be applied in smoking e-cigarettes.

Smoking vs vaping marketing

The main reason e-cigarettes are still popular today is because of its perceived healthier benefits compared to traditional smoking. Pulmonologist John Carl, MD, from the Cleveland Clinic, states that e-cigarettes were initially marketed as devices to help in quitting smoking. These devices are known as smoking cessation devices that are meant to aid in stopping the vice in partnership with programs to move on from one’s addiction.

However, it didn’t take long for companies to turn vaping into an industry on its own. Vaping has been marketed over the years as the safer and more affordable form of smoking for individuals looking to shift to a cheaper and ‘healthier’ alternative.

Underreported illnesses caused by vaping

A reported ‘vaping crisis’ began at a hospital in Wisconsin where six healthy teenagers were admitted due to chest pains, shortness of breath, and fatigue without any signs of infection. The correlation between the six’s conditions was found to be frequent vaping.

Patients who are plagued with vaping-related diseases often experience symptoms such as cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, weight loss, diarrhea, and nausea. Criminal investigations have been made against vaping devices companies to regulate their products to ensure proper quality control.

Over 1,300 cases of severe lung illnesses are associated with the use of e-cigarettes across the US alone. As of recent reports, over 26 deaths have been recorded as the result of vaping-related illnesses.


One common reason the CDC is apprehensive about the use of vaping products is that it’s a relatively new technology. Studies on its long-term effects aren’t as extensive as the research that has been done on smoking and its impact on the human body. In light of recent medical cases, however, the CDC’s lenience on vaping has decreased due to the solid proof of the short-term risks that vaping can cause.

It’s not too late for vapers to reconsider their opinion of vaping, and staying up to date with medical news is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Visit our blog at Dose of Healthcare to stay up to date on news and research in the modern health care industry.