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Remote Diagnosis: An Effective Way to Minimize COVID-19 Transmission

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The fight against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) marches on as the virtual diagnosis of the coronavirus using a 5G network was enabled to provide necessary medical attention and ongoing observation to the public.

This virtual diagnosis was facilitated by Chinese networking equipment maker ZTE and network operator China Telecom via a 5G telehealth system. It can avoid expensive and invasive emergency department (ED) visits for individuals and low-risk patients who may have been exposed to the virus. In addition, it can assist in identifying people with the coronavirus and speed up their escalation of care.

COVID-19: A worldwide pandemic

The coronavirus is a deadly pandemic that is being transmitted through close contact with the infected person or exposure to the virus. Its symptoms are similar to flu, including cough, cold, fever, tiredness, and difficulty in breathing. While there are infected patients who experience milder symptoms, some high-risk patients suffer from lower respiratory disease or pneumonia that could lead to death.

The number of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases are rising around the globe, and this sparked concern and fear, especially among the people who have traveled to affected areas and come into close contact with persons who tested positive for the virus.

At present, there is no definitive cure for COVID-19, but through the technology of remote diagnosis, the risk of person-to-person virus transmission can significantly be minimized.

Telehealth: An ideal healthcare method against COVID-19

During this virus outbreak, telehealth can help people experiencing COVID-19 symptoms get access to medical professionals effectively and efficiently without having to undergo invasive testing or face exposure to other viruses. This interface allows patient screening, risk category assignment, and quick query response.

Telehealth interfaces work by virtually connecting patients with physicians to receive an evaluation and treatment for urgent or contagious conditions without any hassle. Moreover, this procedure can also be made accessible for in-person care, helping save time and money by speeding up diagnosis and triage.

Seeking telehealth’s effectiveness

Before downloading a virtual care application, the patient should take into account the cost, ease of use, modality, and quality of care of the application. As a consumer, the ideal elements of the application that the patient should consider and look out for include the following:

  • The service should be covered by the patient’s health insurance
  • The user experience should be simple
  • The service should be available 24/7 
  • Video visits should be synchronous 
  • The healthcare providers should be experienced, board-certified, properly trained, and in the correct specialty
  • The service has a quality oversight program

On the other hand, healthcare providers should take note of the following to provide better care and service:

  • The telehealth platform should be secure, easy to use, and able to transfer data with the electronic health record (EHR)
  • The providers should be specifically trained in telemedicine, including the practice of “webside manner,” which involves best practices in video conferencing with patients and training in telehealth clinical practice
  • The providers should be well-supported and have access to relevant clinical information about the patient and relevant referral advice
  • The care should be subject to quality oversight

Supporting the healthcare method that could be our best hope

Telehealth provides a consumer-centric approach that is valuable to the healthcare delivery system. Maximizing the accessibility of this service can aid in minimizing the risk of person-to-person transmission, keeping low-risk patients safe at home and facilitating proper, managed referrals for moderate and high-risk patients.

With its efficient and effective ability to provide support, information, and advice to patients, telehealth can play a major role in the global fight against the global pandemic.

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