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Reading in Dim Light: Can It Ruin Your Eyesight?

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Many believe that reading in dim light will harm your eyes. In fact, you may have even heard your mother warn you about this as a child. The truth is that while doing this will not cause long-term or permanent damage to your eyes, it turns out that your mom was still partially right.

As a source of reliable news on the healthcare industry, we are dedicated to sharing information with you to help you attain optimal wellness and health. Read this article to discover the truth behind the effects of reading in low light.

How Does Reading in Dim Light Affect My Eyesight?

Reading in dim light may cause your eyes to feel uncomfortable and tired as they cannot focus clearly. Also, since you are less likely to blink, you may experience temporary dry eyes. This discomfort may cause you eye strain. 

What Is Eye Strain?

Eye strain is a condition that occurs when your eyes are subjected to intensive use, such as using your phone or computer for hours on end or reading without adequate light. Some of the telltale signs that you are experiencing eye strain are headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, tired eyes, or itching eyes.

How Can I Avoid Eye Strain?

While eye strain is common, it is temporary. Your vision may get normal several minutes after you rest or finish reading. But even though this is not a permanent condition, you should still take this seriously and take care of your eyes to avoid eye strain.

The first step to maintaining your good eyesight and keeping your eyes healthy is by seeking better healthcare from reputable institutions, hospitals, and eye centers. To keep track of the changes in your vision and determine whether you need to wear prescription eyeglasses, make sure to have regular eye examinations.

Another preventative measure you can take to avoid eye strain is moving to places with good lighting, particularly if you are going to read or do other activities that require you to use your eyes intensively. Don’t forget to rest your eyes and take breaks every 20 minutes while you are reading. Also, in case you are prescribed to use eyeglasses, wear them as directed by your eye doctor.

What Should I Do If My Eye Strain Gets Worse?

Suffering from eye strain can be uncomfortable, and when not treated properly and immediately, this condition can interfere with your day-to-day life and affect your productivity at work or school. If you notice that your eye strain gets worse, then ask your eye doctor for prescribed lubricating eye drops to provide your eyes with relief from irritation, itching, or burning sensations. 

On the other hand, if you are experiencing other symptoms that are uncommon to eye strain, such as severe head pain, double or blurred vision, speech changes, slurred speech, and more, then you have to seek immediate medical attention. These might indicate a medical emergency or a serious medical condition.


As mentioned, reading in dim light and subjecting your eyes to intensive use may cause eye strain. Avoid suffering from this condition by consulting medical professionals and equipping yourself with reliable information on taking good care of your eyes.

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