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Oral Care 101: Top 5 Causes and Remedies for Bad Breath

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Having bad breath can be an embarrassing experience for anyone to have. Sometimes, it feels like there’s an unfavorable spotlight pointed at you. As stressful as that might be, you’re not alone in fighting such a condition; in fact, it’s a very common condition to have! 

Whether the cause is one’s dental hygiene habits, diet, or just plain morning breath, bad breath is something many people go through on the daily. But exactly why do people have bad breath? More importantly, how does anybody get rid of it? 

To shed some light on the matter, here are five causes for bad breath and what you can do about each one:

 Poor Oral Hygiene

Unsurprisingly, oral hygiene is at the top of the list for causes of bad breath. Mouth odor is similar to body odor: it is due to the byproducts of microbes living in the body. 

It’s advisable not just to brush daily, but to floss as well! Not brushing or flossing can result in a buildup of bacteria (plaque and tartar), responsible for infections in the gums as well as that foul odor that’s stuck in one’s mouth. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to bacteria that can, in severe cases, lead to the decay of your teeth!

What you can do: 

Brush your teeth more often. Instead of just doing so twice a day, brush after every meal instead. Don’t forget to floss, which should be done right before brushing! You should also pay your dentist a visit once every six months for a more thorough checkup. 

Gum Disease or Other Illnesses

If you brush and floss on a regular basis, and you use mouthwash on top of that, but the bad odor won’t go away, then there’s a bigger complication with your oral health. In fact, this could be an indicator of gum disease or some other illness that is caused by the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the mouth. 

Though not as common, bad breath can also be a warning sign of more serious illnesses, such as acid reflux or ketosis. More serious illnesses are liver and kidney disease, in which toxins are secreted from these organs and through the lungs, causing foul breath. 

What you can do: 

Visit your dentist to find the right treatment for gum disease. Do not try to self treat at home, as misdiagnosis can make the situation even worse.

Imbalance in the Mouth

Just like the rest of the body, the mouth can suffer imbalances that can throw off its natural odors. Some conditions, such as a dry mouth and gum disease, can exacerbate the growth of bacteria and contribute to unpleasant breath.

What you can do:  

Keeping the mouth moist requires drinking plenty of water. You can also prevent dry mouth with the help of a humidifier, and saline nasal sprays are extra helpful for those with postnasal drip. 

Food with Strong Tastes or Odors

Certain food items with very strong flavors, like onions, garlic, curries, and other spices or herbs, can contribute to bad breath post-meal. While it’s tempting to use breath mints to get rid of the odor, this will only mask it until the mint has dissolved. 

What you can do: 

Avoiding such food is the best way to prevent food-related bad breath. Eating other food items may also help, such as drinking tea or chewing parsley and cranberry. 


Smoking creates a very specific kind of bad odor, which may or may not be apparent to the person smoking. Tobacco also causes gum disease, which is also known to cause bad breath!

What you can do: 

The only solution is to quit smoking or to clean your mouth thoroughly every time you finish smoking to minimize the foul odor.


Bad breath is a very common condition that many people deal with on a daily basis. While it can cause an embarrassing encounter or two, it’s hardly the end of the world. This condition is actually preventable and, more importantly, treatable! Whether it’s by avoiding certain food items during special occasions or making sure to practice better dental hygiene, there’s a fresher future for everybody!

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