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Online Therapy as a Telehealth Service: The Most Popular Variant

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Telehealth refers to the usage of technology to enable communication between distant parties where one entity offers long-distance health services to the other party for a price. The telehealth service industry is not new to the medical industry. In reality, telehealth has been practiced since 1879. The earliest records of the usage of a telephone as a medium of communication started back in the 19th century, aimed at reducing office visitations. 

The current features of telehealth companies have incorporated the latest video communications as the platform to bridge the distance between the two parties. As technology continues to advance, more elements get incorporated within telehealth services. Among the various telehealth services, online therapy tops the list as the most frequented service by telehealth patrons.

Why Is Online Therapy the Most Popular Telehealth Service Today?

Mental health issues have started gaining the recognition they deserve. As people become more open-minded to the troubles of the brain, medical professionals are always trying to innovate. In doing so, innovation would streamline the entire diagnostics and treatment process. 

Influential people like celebrities and industry leaders are sharing their own experiences to spread awareness about the sensitive topic. Currently, the education system also puts mental health in the spotlight to reduce the psychological strain of the academic pressure on students. The workplace also became more transparent about mental health issues as employers cater to their people’s mental health to increase their productivity.

The trend where people become vulnerable in social media or through the press has sparked a revolution in the medical industry as more people continue to seek treatment for their mental health problems. One such treatment offered is online therapy—these sessions are similar to trips to a psychiatrist but can be done anywhere as long as you have a device you can use to connect with your doctor via the internet.   

Online therapies are a solution to the stigma associated with mental health issues. Specific individuals, particularly young people, get bullied for getting psychological treatment. The birth of online therapy is the safest way patients can receive treatment without putting themselves at risk of mental health stigma from judgmental eyes. 

Aside from the youth, some people are apprehensive about seeking treatment at a doctor’s physical clinic. These people could be busy professionals, mothers taking care of children, or stressed students. They can enjoy the solace and convenience of online therapy compared to the hassle and associated anxiety brought by going to the psychiatrist’s office. 

What Does Statistics Say About Online Therapy?

Two promising research studies discuss the effectiveness of online therapy as an alternative to the traditional physical setup, given that patients have to undergo cognitive behavior therapy too.

The first research deals with messaging-based online therapy. Message-based online treatment can reduce depression symptoms as high as 50 percent and anxiety symptoms as much as 57 percent after 120 days of treatment. 

The second research talks about patient reception, which states that a whopping 98 percent of patients consider online therapy as a more convenient option than the traditional setup. The same research indicates that 88 percent of patients reported that online therapy is more affordable than the regular setup, given that the treatment sessions last over a 120-day time frame.

The mentioned stats alone should be enough to convince society that online therapy works just like regular therapy. The best part is that it can be a more economical option too. 

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