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Natural Remedies to Nasal Passage Congestions

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When the cold season is fast approaching, you will start to notice multiple people with symptoms such as runny or stuffed nasal passages, or even a light cough. Even if utmost care is taken, there is still a chance that you may catch the common cold from someone around you or even just strolling through your usual route to work. 

Catching a cold is undoubtedly irritating, as nobody likes to be sick. With a congested nose, this can make it hard to fall asleep or get a good rest, and even cause massive headaches that will make the symptoms seem to last longer with more intensity. 

Here are some natural remedies to combat nasal congestion when down with the sickness:

Use An Air Humidifier or Vaporizer to Incorporate Moisture

Colds or the flu can cause a dehydrated feeling because of all the bodily fluids being expelled, so investing in a vaporizer to add moisture to your environment may help decongest your nose. This may thin the mucus that builds up in your nose, which will help you relieve some of the stress associated with falling ill. Be sure to clean it after usage rounds to avoid bacteria and mold build-up that may damage it.

Utilize Saline Solution Sprays

Salt water can help clear out nasal passages of mucus and allergens naturally. This has been a method that has been used for ages due to its effectivity of clearing nasal obstructions. You can buy saline solution sprays at pharmacies for the pharma method, but home remedies can be done by using a device called a Neti Pot with pharmaceutical grade salt to clear out blockages. 

Cook Yourself Hot Soup or Drink Hot Tea

Drinking hot liquids even when not under the spells of a cold will leave your nose with some sort of drip. This is because hot liquids such as soups provide some kind of placebo effect, wherein the comfort of having something with rich flavors make you feel better naturally. Although this may be just a placebo effect, there is undoubtedly a difference between the feeling of being sick before a hot bowl of soup and after it is all gone. 

Use Vitamins and Herbs to Boost Your Immune System

Although Vitamins do not directly affect decongestion, taking them may reduce the severity of symptoms, and ultimately shorten the cold’s duration. For colds, this may work, but allergy-related congestions are unaffected by the effects of Vitamins. 

Herbal treatments such as menthol candies for sore throats and congested nasal passages can ease the harshness and dryness caused by the cold, as well as using balms to rub on certain areas of the body to reduce severe effects.

Steam Garlic Cloves and Inhale the Steam Produced

Garlic is beneficial when eaten and is believed to have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can treat many problems. Steaming cloves and inhaling the steam can cleanse the nasal passages of excess bacteria that is clogging them, and can boost the immune system. 

Do as Much as You Can Do to Decongest Before Bed Time

Utilize the methods listed above to decongest your sinuses during the day, because a congested nose feels even worse at night and can affect your sleeping patterns. Keeping the nasal passages clear promotes a good night’s rest, so do your best to keep them clear before night falls.


Although these home remedies may work for many, there is a fine line between something fixable by rest and symptoms that are alarming. When you really feel like the sensation is more than a common cold or more heightened than the usual sickness, be sure to see a physician for a proper consultation and assessment. 

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