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Making a Move Against the Silent and Painful Osteoperosis

woman sitting on chair

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects millions of people in the United States alone, which is expected to increase substantially in the coming years. The main and most debilitating effects of osteoporosis include fractures, which can affect the overall lifestyle of many women and men in various stages of life.

Unfortunately, osteoporosis remains to be some of the trickiest conditions to diagnose and treat. It is only ever recognized after a patient falls and suffers from a fracture, and even then, postfracture follow-up care remains to be a difficult venture. 

Identifying those at higher risk for fractures in prompt treatment is proving to be difficult, but with proper dissemination of knowledge, more and more people will be encouraged to pursue early assessment and treatment.

The need for testing and other treatments

As stated, early testing in healthcare is paramount to proper treatment options. Timely testing allows healthcare practitioners to diagnose critical conditions faster, provide prompt treatment, and ultimately, allow the patient the means to enjoy better outcomes, especially when it comes to conditions like osteoporosis. 

Understanding osteoporosis treatment options is vital to overcoming the debilitating disease, which is why healthcare experts continue to campaign for the importance of early testing. Other treatment options include lifestyle changes, such as increasing the intake of calcium, vitamin D, and taking extra precautions against fall risks. Unfortunately, these efforts can only do so much.

With the help of modern medicine, however, people suffering from osteoporosis are given the freedom to choose among an arsenal of treatment options. Choices must come with the help and advice of a doctor, however, as not all osteoporosis solutions work universally. 

Prescription osteoporosis treatments may come in several forms, such as the following: 

  • Injections
  • Infusions
  • Pills

A preventive move 

Early testing is paramount, but universal treatment strategies also include proper information dissemination and disease management. Universal strategies including counseling, for instance, which includes proper lifestyle management and the significance of an adequate daily intake of calcium and vitamin D. These vitamins and minerals are proven to help modulated age-related increases, particularly when it comes to hormone levels and bone resorption. 

At-risk patients are also advised against the engagement with muscle-strengthening exercises and other weight-bearing activities, as this prevents accidents and maintains optimal bone maintenance. Other lifestyle changes such as quitting tobacco use and alcohol are also necessary, which can further exacerbate bone loss. 

What It All Means

In the medical field, osteoporosis is deemed as a silent killer. Those at risk remain unaware of their conditions until after the inevitable has happened, where accidents cause their bones to shift and shatter. Oftentimes, the fall greatly changes their lives, rendering them incapable of much mobility. 

Although difficult to deal with, healthcare professionals continue to make a move against the disease. But to win the battle, those suffering from it must answer the call. This includes learning about the health risks, accepting testings, and saying yes to lifestyle changes. Osteoporosis is an uphill battle, but with the right preventive moves, the prognosis can be curbed.

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