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Is Your Chest Pain Due to Anxiety or COVID-19?

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The rise of people afflicted with the coronavirus is at an alarming state. With the lack of sufficient resources available to identify whether someone has caught the virus or not, an increasing number of people are wondering if a symptom they’re feeling is due to COVID-19.

Undoubtedly, this health crisis has caused anxieties for many people. However, not everyone understands how to determine if they’re experiencing anxiety, which leads to the belief that they’ve contracted the coronavirus.

One particular symptom that shows if a person has either anxiety or COVID-19 is chest pain. While chest pain is not limited to these two conditions, there are notable differences, which helps a person identify the causes.

Chest pain should never be ignored

It’s important to keep in mind that chest pain can signify heart implications, and it’s critical that you consult the doctor immediately once you start feeling a painful, squeezing sensation. Chest pains could lead to a heart attack. Additionally, chest pain from anxiety or COVID-19 can feel almost entirely similar to pain induced by heart conditions. However, you can still determine if the pain your feeling is due to either anxiety or COVID-19 by observing the following.

Chest pain from anxiety is unexpected

The primary indication that your chest pain is anxiety-related is when you suddenly feel it coming. Additionally, you may experience palpitations and shortness of breath. These symptoms suggest that you have anxiety. However, if it lasts for more than a minute, it becomes a lot more concerning, and it is advised that you seek consultation immediately. Explaining your symptoms to your doctor will help them identify whether you’re having anxiety attacks, or if it’s something more serious.

Chest pain from COVID-19 would come after a series of symptoms

If you’ve been experiencing other COVID-related symptoms like fever or fatigue, your chest pain is likely due to the coronavirus. As such, if you’ve been feeling unwell for a few days now, and you feel a gripping sensation near your chest, call your doctor right away and get immediate medical help.

To differentiate, chest pain from anxiety comes out of the blue, while chest pain due to COVID-19 comes after feeling sick and weak for a while.

How to handle anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic

Because the world is under a stressful health crisis, the chances of feeling anxious are high. However, you can still manage your anxiety, especially if the sudden chest pains become uncomfortable.

To do so, you need to take a few minutes each day to do some breathing exercises, which can help relax your mind and body after a few short sessions.

Additionally, it’s very important to share your feelings with someone else and don’t keep them to yourself. Panic attacks are mainly caused by overthinking and worrying about negative thoughts. Communicate with friends and family and discuss how you’re all going to get through these trying times together. Also, you may want to avoid watching the news if the reports are becoming too overwhelming for you.


To reiterate, chest pains should never be ignored. Once you feel a squeezing sensation, no matter what the cause is, it’s best to seek professional medical help. If the doctor determines that you have anxiety, consider undergoing therapy, which will greatly help you calm your mind and deal with these stressful situations.

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