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Is It Time to Change Your Health Plan: 4 Signs That Mean Yes

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With everything taking place in the American healthcare system and the widespread effect of COVID-19, Americans continue to face an abundance of hurdles and challenges in various forms.

From overthinking sanitation and the constant state of panic to medicine mark-ups and hospitals running short on room, it’s clear that now is no time to relax. Now that July is about to come to an end and the year is well past the halfway mark, it’s clear that many citizens are far from running out of things to worry about—but health insurance may not be one of them.

Admittedly, it is in times like these where health insurance is the last thought on anyone’s mind because getting coverage or an update this late into the year may not seem like a worthwhile move. On top of rising medicine, alcohol, and surgical mask expenses, keeping an eye on your health plan should be on top of your priority list because of how helpful it can be in the midst of the current crisis.

Why you should keep an eye on your health plan right now

Unless a government program or your employment sponsors your current plan, you have a choice to sift through the wide range of available options and purchase one major medical coverage every year. 

Commonly known as open enrollment, this time of the year (which runs from November 1st to December 15th) is one that more and more Americans find themselves preparing for. As the current Coronavirus crisis shows no sign of slowing anytime soon and more insurance providers continue to tweak their policies as a means to adapt, it’s vital that you exercise your right to choose.

Doing due diligence and giving your current health plan its own checkup is vital because it gives enough knowledge to work with when shopping for an option once open enrollment starts. Instead of having to stick with the same plan every year and risk the chance of having it fall short when you need it the most, shopping around and finding something that best suits your needs will definitely pay off.

Now that plans are adapting and changing for the public’s needs, it’s ideal to start looking at your current health plan and weighing out the different options that you can swap it for during the six-week period!

So, when should you consider swapping your health plan out?

Although most of us would like to think that the plans we have are well worth every penny, the truth is that not all health plans and insurance options are made equal. While the Affordable Care Act has definitely added some much-needed padding with ten essential benefits for each plan, major plans greatly differ in terms of user experiences and extras.

Generally speaking, there are several signs that you’ll need to opt for a different plan once open enrollment comes:

1. Your insurance plan’s customer service is subpar: In most cases, a clear sign that it’s time to change your service provider or plan is when you can’t get in touch with a customer service representative when you have any concerns.

2. Your premiums are much higher than average: Aside from poor customer service, a clear-cut sign that it’s time to switch insurance plans is when the premium you’re paying takes up a significant amount of your monthly income but fails to bear value.

3. Your claims get denied outright without an explanation: While it may be true that making a successful claim can prove to be an uphill battle at times, having a health plan that you can’t make a claim on is definitely something you shouldn’t tolerate. 

4. Your needs have changed: What most people don’t realize about health plans is that it’s quite easy to outgrow them if one’s needs continuously change, depending on various contexts such as work, living conditions, or hobbies. As you start to realize that your current plan isn’t enough to serve your ever-evolving needs, it’s safe to say that it’s time to make the switch and seek a better option. 


Amid changing needs and growing concerns over the American healthcare industry, one specific concern that you should pay attention to right now is whether or not your current health plan is adequate for your needs. With the help of this guide, you can quickly determine whether or not it’s time to start shopping around for a new plan just in time to subscribe to a new one come open enrollment or stick with your current plan!

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