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Immune-Boosting Foods That Can Help Fight Psoriasis

mixed vegetable salad in round white ceramic plate

The problems of psoriasis are more than skin-deep. Psoriasis is an auto-immune condition that presents outwardly as red, flaky lesions on a person’s skin. Inside the body, the disease attacks the tissues in between bones, causing pain in the joints. People who have psoriasis are also at high risk for developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and other immune disorders.

For those who have psoriasis, there are plenty of oral medications. A better healthcare approach, however, would be a holistic one. Besides medicine, getting plenty of exercise and eating the right food can help relieve chronic symptoms and improve the condition’s long-term outlook. 

Eating a healthy diet can help boost your immune system to strengthen it against the condition’s effects. If you want to beef up your immunity to fight psoriasis, here are several foods you should include in your regular diet:

Antioxidant herbs

Season your dishes with antioxidants from herbs like thyme, ginger, cumin, and turmeric. These herbs contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help rid your body of harmful toxins and free radicals. For people with psoriasis, inflammation of muscle tissue is an effect that causes debilitating muscle and joint pain and even deformation. Eating anti-inflammatory food can reduce overall swelling, and the antioxidants can help rid your body of the toxins that cause them. 

Omega 3 fatty acids

Fish like salmon, anchovies, trout, and tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is an excellent source of protein and low in fat. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that are necessary to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Some people take fish oil supplements to lower their high triglyceride levels and treat joint inflammation, which is common to psoriasis patients. A better way to enjoy it, however, is to cook your favorite fish dishes with the fresh catch of the day.  

Salad greens

Incorporating green, leafy vegetables into your meals is necessary to fight off infections that can weaken your already-compromised immune system. Salad greens like Swiss chard, kale, and broccoli are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. If you aren’t a fan of greens, try blending them into a smoothie or hiding them in your pasta sauces. Keep in mind that raw vegetables contain more nutrients, so maybe give the uncooked versions a try every once in a while. 

Other “good” fats

When you have psoriasis, your heart needs all the help it can get to keep the blood pumping and circulating well. Keep your cholesterol level in check by consuming a good amount of heart-healthy fat. You can get healthy fats from olive oil, so drizzle your salads generously with it. You can also get good Omega-6 fats from nuts like pine nuts, almonds, and pistachios. 

Eating a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants has many benefits, even for people who don’t have psoriasis. While many oral and topical medicines can curb psoriasis’s effects, choosing your food sources can help you avoid the triggers that can worsen your condition. While there is no cure for the disease, making conscious choices about your diet should improve your chances of living a normal and healthy life.

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