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How to Restart Your Business Safely Amid COVID-19 – Our Guide

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Within the past few months alone, the Coronavirus has undoubtedly changed the way Americans live their lives and adhere to public safety-related concerns. 

As opposed to other troubles earlier this year, COVID-19 now takes up the spotlight as it continues to affect humanity in more ways than imaginable. From causing the airline industry to drop and stranding citizens in foreign lands to causing citizens in populated areas to be reluctant about going out, there’s no doubt the effects are drastic. 

Among all the different topics that have been raised due to the effects brought about by the virus, none are more prevalent than the conversations about businesses shutting down. 

With hundreds of companies closing their doors nearly every week because of the severe halting that the pandemic has caused, it’s clear that reopening is a goal that industries need to strive for. From tech companies to restaurants and retailers, every business leader across all sectors is now urged to plan accordingly to get operations up and running again. 

Although America itself is considered a leader in developments, this virus has managed to outshine that notion because of how much it has to be handled before a return to work is even considered. 

In a time like this, where the USA’s resurgence is still uncertain, it’s crucial for companies looking to open their doors once more to draw insights from leaders in Asia. The explanation for this lies in the fact that companies in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan have wasted no time in making full-fledged pushes for reopenings in the safest way possible, yielding key pointers that we can learn from. 

Three critical phases with consideration of public health and safety

Seeing that the American healthcare industry has yet to hold a sizable grip on managing a widespread transmission, it’s clear that there is much room to improve. Fortunately, businesses reopening amid the absence of a definite cure can safely jumpstart their operations by taking note of the critical phases of reopening Asian companies. 

Let’s go through each crucial phase in the reopening process—as expounded on by decision-makers in Asian businesses—in further detail:

Phase #1: Emergency response 

During the first stage of the reopening plan, business owners are urged to work on their emergency response measures by focusing on colleague health and safety alongside business continuity plans. 

Although the standard actions that occur during the initial stage of reopening entail jumpstarting internal and external communications and seeking supplies, it also serves as an opportunity to lay out the groundwork. Once you get your workers’ health in order, consider the critical emergency systems, and set goals to achieve, so your efforts are on track for eventual recovery. 

Phase #2: Returning to work

When you have finished your planning and gone over the considerations for your workers’ welfare and safety, you can have everyone back in place and move onto reviving your business.

Throughout this phase, it’s essential to understand that this is when your planning skills are crucial. Apart from bringing your cash flow back up and reviving lost opportunities for profit, you have to create scenario plans and protection strategies based on recommended social distancing measures. 

By planning according to the course of the next few months and considering the possibility of split shifts, you can keep productivity and engagement in order while keeping consumer-worker safety in control!

Phase #3: Reinvention for growth

Most recovering Asian businesses are now at this stage where their return to work is slower than expected and far from the v-shaped curve that many experts forecasted earlier this year. During this phase, you’ll need to consider several factors, such as the new and refreshed ways you can hop back on the growth train while achieving a manageable and steady rebound in a weak economy!


Although COVID-19 has slowed down many businesses (and even thrown some off course), the opportunity to bounce back is bound to be full if you approach the process with a clear mindset. Through this guide’s help, you can use the findings of Asian businesses that have successfully restarted their operations without losing sight of healthcare protocols and consumer safety!

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