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How the Healthcare Industry Can Teach Aviation to Improve Their Services

people beside biplane

Over the past few months, due to viral videos on the internet, the airline industry has gotten a bad reputation. For one, United Airlines’ issue with a 70-year old passenger who was dragged off the plane has garnered a lot of protests from people all over the world. There is also another video in which a passenger of American Airlines has her baby’s stroller aggressively taken away. 

These airline debacles that have gone viral have made many come to the conclusion that there needs to be some significant improvement in the customer service of airlines today. 

The healthcare industry, on the other hand, has been using the slogan “make healthcare more like aviation.” When it comes to safety and protocols, the aviation industry is at its finest—however, the healthcare industry’s customer service is top-notch, and that is what airlines should catch up on.

Treat Passengers Like Humans

Doctors are taught in medical school that every patient is unique, which means that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one patient will not work for another. Additionally, the human body is unique and it heals in its own way. 

That said, the airline industry can adopt the same treatment for the sake of its passengers by recognizing that each passenger is different and will have their own unique set of needs. 

Use Protocols and Common Sense

As mentioned, the aviation industry has excellent protocols. The healthcare industry has its own set of protocols to follow as well. However, the healthcare industry deals with people more closely, understanding the individual needs of every patient. Imagine two patients with the same disease and the same course of treatment; a specific medication will work for the other, while the other will not respond well to the medication. 

In this situation, rather than relying strictly on protocols, doctors will rely on common sense and their medical knowledge to save a patient’s life and ensure that they have a comfortable time throughout the treatment.

In this sense, the aviation industry must learn not to be too rigid in their protocols. Instead, common sense must be exercised more to cater to the unique needs of their passengers. 

Improve Customer Service

The healthcare industry puts a lot of effort into making their patients feel more comfortable. Hospitals are always trying to make the healthcare experience better in the United States, such as building more private rooms or making the hospital environment cleaner and quieter. This only makes sense, considering that most patients are in distress and must be taken great care of.

When it comes to aviation, they seem to be less focused on customer service, which is apparent with the little leg room available on the plane, the extra charges, and the cut meal services. The airline industry should learn to focus on its customer service, as people crave more personalized experiences.


These are the things that the aviation industry can learn from healthcare facilities and providers today. At the end of the day, the comfort of the passengers a thousand feet above land is of utmost importance. 

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