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How Can You Stay Healthy While Working From Home?

person using laptop on table

Many people ended up working from home because of COVID-19, and up to now, most of them are still in the same setup. Remote working may seem simple to many, but it is more challenging than what it seems. Stress, anxiety, and several other negative emotions tend to emerge when one works at home. These problems are not exclusive to people whose work was affected by the virus. People who have been working from home for so long have experienced them too.

Whether you are a remote worker or someone who needs to work from home to stay safe from any harm, here are some tips you should implement to improve your health, mood, and overall workflow:

1. Create a private workspace

If you’re working from home, you should have a separate space that would distinguish your workspace from the rest of your home. If you can’t afford a home office, then a specific nook or area in your house would suffice. Choose a place where there are little to no distractions. Having a particular workspace can help you separate work time from personal and family time. That way, when it’s time for work, and you sit down on that space, your brain knows that it’s time to hustle. 

2. Regularly clean up your home and workspace

A cluttered and messy space can give you the same mental state. According to research, one’s physical environment can affect their work performance and well-being, as well as their emotions, cognition, and behavior. 

Clutter stimulates your brain and makes it feel like the work is never-ending. When a lot of things get in its way, it is harder for your mind to focus. On the other hand, when things are in order, you know where to get the items you need. Less mess is equal to less stress for you. 

The same thing happens in your home. According to a study, when you have a messy space, you have a higher chance of making poor life decisions, such as eating junk food while watching TV instead of eating something healthy on your dining table. The same study also suggests that a little clutter can help stimulate your creativity. Find that balance and apply it in your daily life. 

3. Make cleaning a daily habit

Allot a few minutes of your day in breaking down big cleaning tasks into smaller tasks. Try doing a quick wipe down every end of the workday to make sure you have a clean workspace ready for the next day. Doing small tasks at a time would also free you from bigger and time-consuming tasks on the weekends, such as deep cleaning. It would also help you feel relaxed and less tense for the day.

4. Let the natural light and air in

Sometimes letting in the fresh air and natural light in your workspace can make a huge difference. The study conducted by Dr. Joseph Allen showed that the air quality in an office building affects the employees’ productivity. It presented that ventilation can affect how employees process information, make strategic decisions, and respond to crises. 

Another study proved that optimizing natural light in an office can improve workers’ health and wellness, leading to productivity. If your home office doesn’t have proper lighting and ventilation, consider opening your windows from time to time and observe how these changes will boost your productivity.

5. Use better office equipment

Using the wrong chair can also affect your mood. Apart from that, the repeated strain on your musculoskeletal system can cause you further health and posture problems. If your work involves sitting in front of the laptop for long hours, bedding your body, and looking at the screen, consider investing in a good chair. A chair with excellent back support can help make you feel and work better.


Caring for yourself is necessary to have a productive time and valuable work output. You can start your self-care by following the five tips mentioned in this article. Don’t forget to eat healthily, do regular exercises, and take a break to keep both your mind and body healthy and at its best shape always.

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