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Hospitals across the Globe Utilize AI to Combat COVID-19

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The COVID-19 outbreak has recently led to the extensive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the medical industry. Hospitals across the globe have incorporated AI into their medical care to intensify the steps in combating the new strains of coronavirus

Before this, many countries have seen a slow implementation of AI in hospital settings and in the medical field. However, this completely changed when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as pandemic as various healthcare professionals seek ways to fight the coronavirus.

Today, AI is seen as a potent tool that will aid many processes and tools in hospital settings. It’s even deemed as one of the first lines of defense against this pandemic outbreak. AI is utilized to screen patients, identify symptoms of the virus, and track the spread of the virus in the communities and other places.

Screening possible infected

AI has been earlier used in screening individuals who are possibly infected. Today, however, various hospitals have employed a wide array of automated tools to aid in the screening process. These tools even allow patients to check their own symptoms. They can go as far as getting medical advice on what proper precautions to take and when to seek medical care.

Identifying high-risk patients

Certain algorithms are used to identify high-risk patients. An example of this is Clover, which is a San Francisco-based health insurance startup. This technology is said to have three primary sources of data: an algorithm signaling patients with high risk, showing the patients’ scores on a frailty index, and indicating the patients’ existing conditions. Through identification, this technology assists medical practitioners to contact patients and address the risks of COVID-19 before it’s too late.

Screening frontline health care workers

Apart from using AI to deal with patients, this technology is applied to screening frontline health care workers as well. As doctors, nurses, and other health workers continue to deliver care to patients, this technology aids in the process of catching early signs and symptoms of the illness. 

In San Francisco, for instance, researchers at the University of California wear rings to track health care workers. Should these medical professionals show indications of the illness, such as elevated heart rate and increased temperature, they automatically signal the algorithms. Hospitals can take prompt actions to check the doctors or nurses further, and keep them isolated when necessary.

Detecting COVID-19 and distinguishing it from other diseases

AI is also helpful in detecting the presence of COVID-19 among patients and distinguishing the illness from other respiratory diseases. Today, COVID-19 testing is performed through a sample taken from a throat or nasal swab. Due to the limitations in test kits, however, researchers have started exploring algorithms as an alternative. This is why AI models are built to not only recognize COVID-19 but also to differentiate it from other respiratory diseases.


Today, the coronavirus COVID-19 has impacted many countries around the world and has affected more than a million people. Although it spreads at unprecedented rates and shows no sign of stopping, the global community continues to take proper measures to address this global pandemic situation. The utilization of AI to address the COVID-19 problem is a solid step taken that can surely go a long way. 

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