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Guide to Managing Muscle Cramps by Eating the Right Foods

yellow banana fruits

Most people have experienced muscle cramps at some point in their life. While most cramps can quickly go away on their own, recurring instances can become a frustrating problem. The good news, however, is that there are several approaches that you can take to effectively stop cramps from becoming a serious issue. 

In this article, we’ll talk about one specific approach that you can take. More specifically, we’ll guide you through dietary changes you can adopt by highlighting certain foods that have been observed to prevent cramping.

What are muscle cramps?

Muscle cramps are the sudden and involuntary contractions that occur in various muscles. Typically, they are painful and can last from a few seconds to 15 minutes. According to the American Council of Exercise (ACE), when the muscles contract, the muscle fibers shorten, increasing tension in the muscle. 

There are several causes of muscle cramps, such as overexertion, injuries, and dehydration. Other underlying health conditions may also trigger muscle cramps, such as pregnancy and thyroid issues. Some medications may also contribute to the problem. In fact, muscle cramps are a common side effect of statins prescribed to individuals with high cholesterol. 

There are several medications and therapies to help with muscle cramps, which are great options for people who constantly suffer from them. However, if you experience muscle cramps just once in a while and the associated discomfort is tolerable, you can opt for certain foods to ease and manage the cramping. 

Here are some of the foods that can help with muscle cramps: 

  • Bananas – An excellent source of potassium, bananas also provide you with magnesium and calcium that are essential in easing muscle cramps. 
  • Sweet potatoes – Another great source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, sweet potatoes have the added benefit of containing more calcium. 
  • Avocado – One avocado has approximately 975 milligrams of potassium. Potassium is crucial in ensuring that your muscles work properly and keeping your heart healthy. 
  • Melons – Since melons contain sodium and water, they are very helpful when you exercise. The body releases sodium when you sweat, and losing too much sodium may dehydrate you, causing muscle cramps. Melons also contain fair amounts of magnesium, potassium, and calcium. 
  • Watermelon – As mentioned, one of the causes of muscle cramps is dehydration. Watermelons are about 90% water, and they also contain a good amount of potassium. 
  • Milk – A natural source of electrolytes, milk is great for proper hydration as well. It also contains protein that can help with the repair of muscle tissues after a workout. 
  • Dark, leafy greens – Eating dark, leafy greens may also help relieve menstrual cramps as they are rich in calcium and magnesium.
  • Salmon – Muscle cramps may also be triggered by a reduction in blood flow. If that’s the case, eating salmon can ease muscle cramps because it contains potassium and sodium. 


As mentioned, muscle cramps tend to go away within seconds or a few minutes. However, you don’t always have to wait it out. If you frequently get muscle cramps, eating the right foods will help you absorb the right nutrients to ease the cramps. After all, it’s better to relieve them naturally instead of taking medications. 

Think of these foods as a way for you to live a healthier lifestyle. Not only do they stop muscle cramps, but they also prevent other diseases as well. Isn’t that a win-win on your end? Additionally, the best thing about these foods is that they’re all delicious and you can add some of them in other dishes. 

Do you want to know more about muscle cramps? At Dose of Healthcare, we provide reliable health and medical news. Browse through our posts if you want to live a healthier lifestyle.