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Google Cloud Leads Healthcare Innovation Through The Healthcare Interoperability Readiness Program

Google Cloud Leads Healthcare Innovation

Google Cloud introduces the Google Cloud Healthcare Interoperability Readiness Program, which has been designed to help organizations achieve data interoperability. This is in lieu of impending HHS deadlines, and was made possible with the help of  Deloitte, HCL, Bain, BCG, KPMG, SADA, and so many others. 

The program is also a testament to the future of innovation, as it will help the healthcare industry understand the current state of their data, where it is stored, and how they can create a blueprint for integration, standardization, and reliability. 

In the landscape of COVID-19, Google Cloud shares the following sentiments in an official press release on their blog site: 

“Our program is built to meet customers wherever they are on their interoperability journeys, and to empower them with tailored services, technologies and strategies. We’re working with a variety of both consultants and ISV partners like Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte, HCL Technologies, KPMG, MavenWave, Pluto7, SADA, and 8K Miles Healthcare Triangle to meet our customers’ unique needs and support the changes needed to meet the upcoming regulatory requirements.”

Meeting the Google Cloud Healthcare Interoperability Readiness Program

The comprehensive program provides a set of well-designed services, all enabling interoperability for various healthcare organizations across the nation. This includes the HealthAPIx Accelerator, which allows a good foundation for interoperability implementation efforts. It hosts a multitude of templates, lessons, and even practices, all of which have been garnered from various customer and partner data. 

It also comes with the Apigee API Management, which is tasked in providing complete security and governance in terms of delivering, managing, securing, and even scaling APIs. It’s also home to the Healthcare API, which boasts secure methods including de-identification, allowing you to safely store your data in the latest and highest quality formats. 

To top things off, the Healthcare Interoperability Readiness Program also comes with a toolkit, which includes implementation guidelines, solution architecture, sandboxes, and other necessary resources to help your organization adapt to the platform and comply with standards and best practices.

Interoperability in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic 

Google further shares the following sentiments: “With COVID-19 underscoring the importance of even more data sharing and flexibility, the next few years promise to accelerate data interoperability and the adoption of open standards even further—ideally ushering in new and meaningful partnerships across the care continuum, new avenues for business growth, and new pathways for patient-centered innovation,”

Given the current status of testing, vaccine rollouts, and telemedicine, doctors are forced into administrative roles, which has reported to add stress to the already exhausting procedures. 

Thanks to the endless roll out of AI tools, however, doctors are now saved from the headache—extracting insights can now be done easier from any medical text, while telehealth consultations can now be highly accessible end-to-end. With the further generous helping hand of Google Cloud, healthcare can now be accessible more than ever. 

Google continues to work closely with the  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for more innovations and collaborations, especially now that the world of medicine and technology has been deeply converged. Any tech needs and standardizations will be taken into consideration, all in an effort to build an ecosystem of better healthcare data access, security, and of course, compliance.

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