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Fitness Guide: How to Teach 3 Static Stretching Exercises

woman in white long sleeve shirt and white pants sitting on blue wooden chair during daytime

One of the unfortunate effects of the global pandemic is the restrictions on face-to-face interactions. Although COVID-19 is the primary concern of healthcare institutions, that doesn’t mean that people with other medical conditions don’t deserve to receive treatment.

There’s a growing rise of patients experiencing physical symptoms due to the idleness of being stuck indoors. Besides people who had to stop going to physiotherapy sessions, people adapting to work-from-home setups are developing different forms of body sores. Thankfully, telemedicine can bridge the gap for patients to receive healthcare services from the comfort of their homes.

The benefits of telemedicine

Telemedicine allows physicians to care for their patients through remote means. It’s a practice that’s becoming more common due to the development of technology and the needs of the times. Since the coronavirus is still a pressing concern for many nations, patients meeting their physicians through HIPAA-compliant video conferencing makes treatment and consultations possible.

Like prescription medication, different static stretching exercises can help remedy the impact of staying idle during the pandemic. Instead of meeting your patients in person, you can interact with them through video conferencing consultations and instruct them on the proper way to ease their condition.

In this article, we’ll share three static stretching exercises.

1. Forward fold

Let’s start with the forward fold. It’s a basic stretching exercise that engages the entire back, including the lower body’s calves, glutes, and hamstrings. First, bring the feet together and bend forward at your hips. Continue until your head is in front of your knees with your hands toward the ground. Next, lengthen your legs without locking your knees. If your patient isn’t flexible enough, they may slightly bend their knees. Maintain the stretched position for 15-30 seconds before moving back to a resting position.

2. Neck rotation

Prolonged unnatural positioning due to bad posture can lead to a feeling of soreness or misalignment in your neck. Neck rotations should do the trick to stimulate the muscles that promote natural recovery. Your patient can perform this by standing up or sitting down. Place your right hand at the top left side of your head and tilt it in the opposite direction. Maintain the stretched position for 15 to 30 seconds before using your other hand to perform the stretching exercise on the other side.

3. Chest stretch

Many people in work-from-home setups are attempting to get used to pushing their regular work hours in their homes. Although people are working in their living spaces, that doesn’t mean that they’re experiencing less stress. At home, the fatigue is even greater since there are little to no opportunities for people to go out and unwind.

Sitting down for prolonged periods in an uncomfortable position can lead to a tight chest. This happens when a person’s shoulders naturally form forward, causing the chest to take the brunt of the weight over time. Thankfully, a chest stretch can relieve chest tightness to prevent pain from building up.

While standing with your feet together, clasp your hands while having your arms extended behind your back. Slowly raise your arms and bend them forward at your waist. Maintain the position and ensure that you feel the stretch in your chest. After 15-30 seconds, return to resting position and recommend them to perform as many sets as necessary.


Healthcare solutions are continuing to innovate with the development of telemedicine and mobile treatment services. There may even be advancements that will allow a broader range of treatment through remote consultations. This enables healthcare facilities to focus on the needs of inpatient services by improving their outpatient packages.

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