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Exploring the Life-Saving Tech That Protects Doctors and Nurses From the COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 Outbreak

The coronavirus continues to plague countries worldwide, putting different aspects of the economy at a significant disadvantage. Many businesses are struggling to keep the lights on, and people remain locked down at home to flatten the pandemic curve. 

Doctors, nurses, and other support healthcare workers are leading the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19. While the medical industry strives to treat patients, they are also at high risk of being directly exposed to the virus. 

That’s why technology experts are putting their wits together to produce innovative equipment and devices that can help healthcare professionals to protect them during the pandemic as they fight to keep it at bay. 

What are some of the Concerns that Need to be Addressed?

The respiratory infection is transmitted through droplets, and once it reaches a person’s mouth, eyes, or nose, it can infect them and leave other people at risk. The various contact routes make the virus easy to spread, putting doctors, nurses, and the support staff under extreme threat since they need constant contact with the patient throughout the treatment. 

High-security personal protective equipment (PPE) has become a mandatory uniform for healthcare workers worldwide. Still, despite the gear, the number of death toll rates amongst medical experts continues to rise. 

The reports prove the growing demand for better protective equipment, paving the way for the following creations: 

The Role of Aerosol Boxes in Protecting Doctors and Nurses

Treating COVID-19 patients involves an intubation period, wherein doctors must insert a tube through the mouth down to the airway of the lungs to provide oxygen support. This part of the procedure leaves physicians under extreme risk of contracting the virus, which is why the Telangana government supported a private firm called Butterly Edufields to address the life-threatening problem. 

Aerosol boxes were produced, a piece of equipment designed by a Taiwanese anaesthesiologist Dr. Li Hesin-Yung to aid the intubation procedure. It was given to 40 hospitals, and another 100 will be issued soon. 

The aerosol boxes work by surrounding the patient’s head, with holes that allow doctors to safely insert the tube with a protective barrier that can take the doctor’s safety up a notch when paired with a PPE. 

The Aid of Isolation Pads in Establishing a Safety Barrier Between 

A start-up company called T-HUB is also contributing to the production of protective technology and equipment against COVID-19. One of its latest developments in the isolation pad, which is designed to separate the patient’s bed using a special film with air circulation filters. 

This shields the doctors when they attend to the patient, keeping them away from being exposed to the droplets when a patient sneezes or coughs. According to the company’s CEO, the equipment uses indigenous technology with the input of the ministry of defense and medical professionals. 

The Bottom Line: The Importance of Producing Innovative Technology that is Designed to Shield the Medical Industry who are Directly Exposed to COVID-19 Cases

Keeping up-to-date with the latest news regarding COVID-19 is critical, primarily since it affects everyone worldwide. The medical industry is the most at stake since they are manning the frontlines, so today’s spotlight is on the technology doctors and nurses use to shield themselves against exposure from the pandemic.

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