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Coca-Cola: What Does It Really Do to Your Body?

red and white Coca-cola can close-up photography

Sugary drinks may give you temporary satisfaction, but research shows that these beverages are also among the leading causes of several health problems, such as tooth decay, obesity, and diabetes. In particular, drinking Coca-Cola is found to leave damaging effects on your body.

The sad news is that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), half of the population in the United States drinks at least one sugary beverage a day. Moreover, it is the young adults who regularly consume these sugary drinks. 

Consuming sweets will not cause health problems as long as they are in moderation. For optimal health, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a daily sugar intake of no more than 6 tsp. Drinking a single serving of Coca-Cola, however, can easily get you past this suggested daily amount because of its high sugar content. 

Aside from loading your body with sugar, here’s what really happens to your body after gulping a can of the fizzy drink. 

What does Coca-Cola do to your body? 

Research made by health writer Wade Meredith showed the disturbing effects of a can of Coca-Cola to the body after just an hour of consumption. 

According to the research, the high sugar content in a 330 milliliter (ml) can is enough to make anyone vomit as soon as it enters the body. It is the phosphoric acid that enables people to keep the drink down by dulling the sweetness. 

After just 20 minutes of drinking Coca-Cola, the high sugar content that has successfully made its way to the body causes the blood sugar levels to increase dramatically as a response. When this happens, the insulin levels naturally spike to bring down the sugar level. However, too much insulin can eventually lead to insulin resistance, which then causes weight gain and even obesity. 

Regular consumption of Coca-Cola is also discovered to reduce a person’s quality of sleep. This is because it is loaded with caffeine and lots of sugar. Its caffeine content can make it hard for a person to fall asleep, while its sugar content disrupts one’s ability to stay asleep. 

Moreover, the carbonation in this fizzy drink often leads to bloating and stomach pressure that can trigger heartburn or GERD. GERD that flares up at night is more likely to cause sleep problems like insomnia and daytime sleepiness. 

What does Coca-Cola do to your brain? 

In an hour after drinking the beverage, you will start to experience a sugar crash where you will feel irritable and drowsy. This is because Coca-Cola also contains high amounts of refined salts and caffeine. 

Moreover, the drink is known to increase the levels of certain compounds and chemicals that interfere with brain activity and increase the risk of stroke and dementia. Other compounds present are also discovered to weaken a person’s memory and motor coordination.  


Various studies and research over the years have confirmed the health risks that regular consumption of sugary drinks like Coca-Cola can bring to one’s physical and mental health. Remember that while these fizzy drinks help satiate you, too much of anything is bad for you. Enjoying these beverages will not be bad for your health as long as you take everything in moderation. 

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