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Binge-Watching: How Does It Affect Your Spine and Posture?

person holding remote pointing at TV

Binge-watching your favorite TV shows allow you to relax your mind, especially after a long, stressful week. While this is a fun way to unwind, sitting for hours on end, propped against your couch, or slouched on your bed or chair can create a major negative effect on your health, particularly on your spine. 

When you are busy watching TV, you may not realize that your shoulders are tensed up and your neck is not positioned correctly, leading your spine to develop abnormal curves due to the pressure and strain on your spinal vertebrae and discs. As a result, you can suffer from backache, back pain, or back spasms along with bad posture.

What Is a Back Spasm?

A back spasm is the contraction or tension of the muscles that results in a sudden and sharp jolt of pain. If you are suffering from this health condition, you may feel that your hips or legs are also sore. This can be caused by different issues, such as poor posture and lack of regular exercise.

How Do You Prevent Back Spasms?

When binge-watching, your back muscles can become too strained or pressured from being kept in the same position for extended periods. Therefore, if it is unavoidable for you to sit for a long time, you can take regular breaks to prevent back pain, spasms, and strain on your spine. Get up and stretch your back, legs, arms, and neck frequently. 

If you need to sit down for long periods, it is ideal to do a stretch and walk around your house every hour or more frequently. You can also invest in a chair with lumbar support to prevent suffering from back pain or spasms.

What Is the Treatment for Back Spasms?

Sitting for an extended period of time can cause you back pain or spasms. If this happens, you can try the following:


Put ice to the sore areas


Try applying ice to your sore spine areas. Doing so can help alleviate the pain and reduce the inflammation. 


Stay hydrated


Binge-watching TV is often paired with munching on junk foods and gulping sugary drinks. Because of this, drink plenty of water to flush out the salty, sweet, and fatty flavors. By drinking enough water, you can have more frequent trips to the kitchen and bathroom, allowing you to get up and move.


Get your body moving


Listen to your body. If your body feels achy after sitting for a long time, feel free to stretch your muscles, take a walk in the room, or do other tasks around the house.


Whether you are in front of your computer or TV, binge-watching and sitting for long periods of time can have an impact on your spine and posture. 

Your spine provides structural support for your body, which is why you need to take good care of it. To prevent backaches, spasms, and pains, keep your body in tip-top shape by staying active and getting enough exercise. Moreover, make sure to take regular breaks when watching TV.

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