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Big Data & It’s Role in the Future of Healthcare Data

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Ideally, healthcare professionals are supposed to provide their patients with the right treatment at the right time and at all times. However, due to certain limitations in the healthcare industry, such as lack of resources and supply, this is not always possible. These problems can hinder health experts from giving their patients the healthcare they need and deserve. Fortunately, this can be resolved by utilizing big data in healthcare.

What is Big Data?

Big data refers to vast or complex data sets that are analyzed and processed by data scientists, using machine learning and natural language algorithms to reveal patterns or trends.

What sets big data apart from traditional data is their volume, velocity, and variety, which is also known as the 3Vs model. Compared to traditional data, big data is much larger in volume, is produced much faster, and contains more unstructured data.

Digital interaction makes up big data. This comes from public health databases, electronic medical records, searches on web search engines, social media, and more.

Why is Big Data Important in Healthcare?

Used to adapt to technology and respond to the digitization of healthcare information, big data is analyzed to produce actionable insights and serve as a guide in making strategic decisions in healthcare.

Employing big data is vital to providing patients with better healthcare. This can help predict communicable disease outbreaks, diagnose medical conditions, and more. In short, this can help predict forthcoming health emergencies or situations, allowing hospitals to prepare accordingly.

How Does Big Data Work in Healthcare?

Using big data in healthcare involves an algorithm that analyzes more data sets from more sources more accurately and quicker than if done by humans. This can be used to identify which patients diagnosed with a specific medical condition are most likely to return to the hospital within a certain number of days of discharge. Therefore, this system helps the hospital become aware of which patients will need intensive follow-up care and allows them to get their medications ready and assign personnel to patients beforehand.

What are the Challenges to Big Data in Healthcare?

While big data displays a huge potential to aid hospitals in providing the best treatment for their patients, there are barriers that can potentially hinder it from unleashing its full capabilities. 

At present, there is still no excellent way to keep big data safe, secure, and private. This is important because patient information is sensitive and should be treated with utmost confidentiality at all times. Moreover, hospitals cannot afford to hire data science experts who can help them utilize and process big data effectively. Lastly, the most vital data points are scattered across different systems, making data collection tedious and inefficient. 


To sum it all up, big data lets hospitals allocate their limited resources more effectively, helping healthcare professionals make more informed decisions to give patients the necessary treatment they need at the right time. While there are challenges that can possibly impede big data to be fully helpful for the healthcare industry, with proper developments and advancements in technology, this can help ensure that all patients will be provided with the healthcare they need right away.

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