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Biden Transition Team Prioritizes COVID-19 Response

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The recent election of Joe Biden into the presidency is expected to accelerate the country’s COVID-19 response. In his victory speech on November 7, 2020, he stated that combatting the virus—which has infected over 11 million Americans—will be his administration’s top priority.

A few days later, President-elect Biden named his COVID-19 advisors, made up of scientists and public health experts. With their expertise, they will transform Biden’s COVID-19 plan into a blueprint that he will set in motion when he officially takes office on January 20. The program includes doubling the number of drive-through test sites and ramping up testing capacity, increasing its accessibility to all types of Americans. 

The Rise of COVID-19 Cases in the United States

Biden emphasized his administration’s federal response to the coronavirus, which he stated will begin right after his inauguration. The United States has been breaking its record for the number of new cases each day, reaching an all-time high of 181,196 on November 13. As hospitalizations continue to increase and transmissions are skyrocketing, Biden has committed to providing a more comprehensive approach to the virus. 

There was a sharp spike in daily confirmed coronavirus cases over the last few months, with surge after surge rolling in. The number of deaths is also soaring, with the 7-day average shooting above 1,000 fatalities a day. Hospitals are overwhelmed, and the healthcare industry has been struggling to keep up with these record numbers, necessitating the immediate action promised by Biden’s administration.

Centralizing the COVID-19 Response

Although President Trump has authorized states to be responsible for acquiring coronavirus tests, Biden intends to pursue a centralized approach to testing. According to his COVID-19 timeline, he wants to provide Americans with access to “regular, reliable, and free testing,” which is crucial to identifying carriers and isolating them to prevent further transmission.

The incoming president has spoken of plans to expand at-home testing and diagnostics while increasing the number of drive-through sites all over the country. His plan calls for national-level coordination of his centralized strategy, which has birthed the creation of a Pandemic Testing Board. Taking inspiration from Franklin Roosevelt’s War Production Board, Biden’s roadmap states that it aims to “produce and distribute tens of millions of tests.”  This program is similar to the way the procurement of materials in World War II was administered.

Biden’s transition team includes former surgeon general Vivek Murthy, Yale University professor Marcella Nuñez-Smith, and former FDA Commissioner David Kessler. They are all set to co-lead the task force. Rick Bright, the former Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority Director demoted by the Trump administration, will also be on the team.

Prioritizing the Availability of COVID-19 Rapid Tests 

As the worldwide continues to battle the most formidable health threat in a century, Biden’s plan seeks to strengthen laboratory infrastructure to improve tests’ production. Given Washington’s expanded power, it can raise procurement funding for the National Strategic Stockpile, allowing the country to obtain enough testing supplies for emergencies.

Public health experts unanimously agree that the widespread availability of COVID-19 tests, whether swab or rapid, is essential to controlling the coronavirus outbreaks all over the country. By increasing testing avenues and creating effective policies, the Biden team believes that Americans can participate in self-testing, allowing them to seek immediate treatment upon testing positive. As a result, citizens can enjoy better healthcare, especially with such expansive avenues for battling the virus.


With the Biden administration’s plans to prioritize surveillance testing by offering convenient testing sites, Americans have the tools and facilities they need to protect themselves from the virus. Given the surge in daily cases expected to continue, the administration will implement a thorough nationwide plan to effectively control the spread.

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