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Autonomous Vehicles and 3 Possibilities to Better Healthcare

white and blue ambulance van traveling on road

Self-driving or autonomous vehicles may sound like a futuristic development that needs more research before being integrated into relevant industries, like healthcare. However, it’s fair to see that there have been some major strides and possibilities that are getting many healthcare professionals excited about the future. But what exactly can this new piece of technology provide for hospitals as they serve different patients and adapt to daily challenges? 

This article will discuss three possibilities that allied medicine can look into when they acquire autonomous vehicles. Take this as an opportunity to be a well-informed medical professional and be prepared for possible changes in the healthcare industry. 

  • Ambulance services 

The ambulance is ubiquitous throughout the hospital system, and it may be fair to assume that self-driving can be a positive step in the right direction. That’s because it enables healthcare professionals to focus on their current patients and gather their needed equipment before the ambulance arrives. However, the patients themselves may have their reservations about this. 

A joint study by the Florida Institute of Technology and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University did a study on self-driving vehicles to see whether patients would be open to acquiring hospital services. Surprisingly, many of the informants were skeptical about the idea of being transported by an autonomous vehicle, saying that they prefer the traditional ambulance. But the researchers acknowledge that self-driving ambulances may become standard in the future, and there can be an adjustment period before getting the general public on board. 

As such, only time will tell if autonomous ambulances will be a useful service, whether it be from the side of the medical provider and the patient. Both perspectives must be looked into to draw comprehensive conclusions about whether or not autonomous ambulances will replace traditional ones. 

  • Mobile medical services 

You may already know about mobile medical trucks that have diagnostic facilities that roam around the country. It’s a common practice, especially for patients who may need special assistance to access healthcare solutions. 

For example, let’s say you are running a nursing home, and most of your elderly clients require vascular screening. You can call your local hospital for mobile clinic services. However, what if the incoming medical professionals have a contagious disease that can put the elderly at risk, like COVID-19? 

An alternative solution would be an autonomous vehicle fitted with fully automated medical solutions, like easy MRI scanning and surgery facilitated by robot technology. As technology advances, these scenarios may be a reality, especially as many healthcare providers have to adapt to the latest trends and their patients’ needs. 

  • COVID-19

Many healthcare professionals and patients are concerned about COVID-19 and the protocols needed to prevent spread. Even if there are now vaccines being approved in many countries and individuals getting vaccinated, public health protocols like social distancing still need to be enforced. This will help maximize herd immunity and the gradual relaxing of COVID-19 guidelines. That’s where autonomous vehicles may serve as an ingenious solution. 

For example, healthcare providers and testing centers in Florida used autonomous vehicles to ship their COVID-19 tests, ensuring that safe distancing protocols were met. If other local medical systems were to look into self-driving vehicles in a similar manner, there may be relevant strides to re-imagine COVID-19 and be equipped for other pandemic-level threats that can strain the healthcare system. 


Self-driving technology is a step in the right direction for the healthcare industry, and there are many benefits to consider. However, it may take some time before everyone will follow suit, as we have to consider both professionals and patients’ side. Now, you have a better understanding of self-driving vehicles and what may be the next big steps to better healthcare. Stay informed today! 

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