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Assessing the Pros and Cons of Robotic and Robot-Assisted Surgery

Robot-Assisted Surgery

The medical field is an industry that needs constant innovation to provide better healthcare to people. Providers continue to invest in advanced and cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics to provide the best healthcare possible to their patients. Such technology also allows them to streamline processes, improve productivity, and cut down on costs. 

One of the popular technologies that are popular among providers is robotic and robot-assisted surgery. It provides an improved degree of precision for doctors while allowing them to access hard-to-reach areas. 

What is Robotic Surgery?

Robotic surgery results from continually innovating ways to create minimally invasive surgical procedures that are laparoscopic or ones that use small incisions. In the process, three or four robot arms insert themselves into the patient using small incisions in the abdomen. One arm operates the camera, two arms function as the surgeon’s hands, and the fourth arm clears any obstructions in the process. 

Undergoing robotic surgery does not mean the patient is left alone with machines. In fact, a complete surgical team oversees the procedure. A surgeon operates the nearby console and supervises the process through a 3D image of the surgical field. The surgeon’s hands are also inserted in special devices that control the instruments at the end of the robotic arms. 

These arms have a wide range of motion and more precise movements, crucial for delicate procedures. This innovation allows surgeons to take on more complex surgeries with more comfort and ease.

What are the Pros of Robotic Surgery?

There are numerous benefits to robotic surgery. The most important advantage is the precision and accuracy the technology offers to surgeons. Patients experience less trauma and recover faster thanks to the smaller incisions that the machines make into their bodies. They also feel less pain. 

This type of surgery also allows surgeons to access difficult areas thanks to the small size of robot instruments. They are also nimble, which will enable surgeons to have better control over the entire process. Robotic surgery sets also come with high definition equipment that improves surgeons’ visual abilities, allowing them to see more clearly.

What are the Cons of Robotic Surgery?

Like everything else, robotic surgery also has its disadvantages. Its primary one is that it is costly, and it’s the main factor that increases the cost of a surgical procedure. Surgical robots are incredibly expensive to purchase and maintain. Their operation also requires more training, which is costly as well. Robots cost anywhere between $3000 to $6000 more than a regular procedure.

Another issue with robotic surgery is the latency in movement or the time it takes for the robot to fulfill the surgeon’s commands. The computer will need some time to communicate with the robotic arms, causing a slight delay in the process. However, this usually won’t be an issue for routine surgery, but it may cause complications if the surgeon needs to respond quickly to unexpected problems.


Robotic surgery has been incredibly beneficial to the healthcare industry over the last few years. Thanks to the numerous advantages it brings, surgeons can complete incredibly intricate and complicated procedures that have saved hundreds to thousands of lives. Robot hands can reach tighter areas that surgeons cannot, allowing them to access hard-to-reach areas. Their pros certainly outweigh the cons, making them a vital advancement in the healthcare industry.

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