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Anticipating Healthcare’s New Normal in 3 Main Frontiers

Healthcare's New Normal

2020 has been a pivotal year for primary care, as many healthcare systems could not anticipate COVID-19 and its effects on various medical fields. Arguably, these challenges have become avenues for development and challenge Western medicine’s status quos, like overreliance on clinic visits. 

Moving forward, these are opportunities for healthcare professionals like you to improve and adapt to the so-called New Normal. This article will discuss the three main frontiers in the healthcare industry that have changed and continue to do so. Take this as an opportunity to provide better healthcare for your patients and stay committed to your Hippocratic oath. 

Frontier #1: The Shift to Preventive Healthcare from Reactionary Primary Care

One of the pandemic’s main results is that most sectors have become increasingly focused on everyone’s health and well-being. For instance, you can see more individuals get more anxious about minor medical complications, like coughing and fever, due to the fear of contracting COVID-19. 

These recent developments are primarily why many healthcare providers and concerned bodies are championing the importance of team-based, preventive primary care—a significant shift for most Western medicine systems. That’s because the standard practice has always been on reactionary care for chronic health issues (e.g., diabetes, cancer). 

It’s essential to educate the general masses with public health protocols and other preventive avenues to prevent spread. You can do your part, as a healthcare provider, by being more informed about medical information and sharing it with your friends and family. 

For instance, you can talk about the innovative ways to gather during the holidays to prevent COVID-19 spread. The goal is to take active steps, as the New Normal may now be more acquitted with prevention rather than cure.  

Frontier #2: Telemedicine Challenging Traditional Healthcare

You may already know about telemedicine because recent technological advances, like video conferencing, have become opportunities for many healthcare professionals to provide timely care for remote communities in need of assistance. However, no one anticipated telemedicine would be the preferred method of consultation for most patients, especially in 2020. 

Vivifyhealth’s survey reveals that in 2019, only 17 percent of patients were using telemedicine services. This rate is a stark contrast from 2020, with 70 percent prioritizing telemedicine ever since the pandemic became a high priority around March of the same year. Vivifyhealth notes that there are notable benefits from these changes to remote healthcare, mainly higher patient satisfaction, improved medical outcomes,  reduced readmission rates, and more cost-effective spending. 

Frontier #3: Realizing the Government’s Role in Primary Care 

The healthcare industry has always been one of the primary sources for advice on government measures for safety. There are also health-centered government bodies, like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 

However, many concerned parties, especially politicians and leading medical experts, are convinced that government action is part and parcel of primary care’s New Normal, mainly in taking proactive steps to enhance public health protocols and provide better medical assistance. 

This frontier became further realized when the World Health Organization (WHO) looked to the People’s Republic of China Government and its compliance for accurate COVID-19 case readings. WHO claims that the National Health Commission and Beijing Health Commission were able to brief officials for ongoing preliminary investigations. 

As such, you can expect more governing bodies worldwide to pay attention to the local healthcare industry’s many pleas. It’s an opportunity to innovate public policy and increase medical infrastructures, like pharmaceutical research and development, to champion accessible, better healthcare for all. 


It’s vital for medical professionals like you to reflect on healthcare’s recent developments as we put this turbulent year to a close. Take these things in stride and stay informed as you become an active participant in modern medicine’s New Normal. 

Dose of Healthcare is your premier healthcare news source, enabling medical professionals like you to be well-acquainted with recent movements in modern medicine. It’s an opportunity for you to provide better healthcare as you learn to adapt to new challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Browse through more of our articles to access professional information relevant to your medical field of practice.