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An Impressive Medical Feat: MissionGO and MediGO Successfully Completes Longest Organ Delivery

Healthcare's New Normal

Time is gold for everyone, but its importance cannot be understated in the healthcare industry. Medical professionals strive to minimize patient recovery times and surgical complication rates by providing a sophisticated healthcare delivery system, and there’s good news all around for MissionGo and MediGo as the year ends. 

MissionGo is a provider of unmanned aviation solutions, and recently, they collaborated with Nevada Donor Network, an organ procurement organization (OPO) within the city of Las Vegas. They ended the year with flying colors as they successfully completed two test flights delivering a human organ and human tissue using an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), proving the great feats humanity can achieve thanks to advancements in technology.

Technological Services Rising to Greater Heights in the Healthcare Industry 

The collaboration between Nevada Donor Network and MediGo released a revolutionary technology that removes any geographical barriers relating to organ transplantation. It’s a technical solution that builds a stronger resource within Nevada’s transplant ecosystem, especially since it’s one of the first to efficiently deliver an organ from a donor to the patient via the air. 

Keep in mind that organ transportation typically takes several steps due to a series of data exchanges. GPS tracking makes it easier to achieve seamlessly on the ground, but it was a different story for transporting organ donations using airplanes. 

That’s why the completion of MissionGo and MediGo in organ deliveries using unmanned flights is a game-changer, one that will improve the data exchanges involving organ logistics and monitoring systems throughout the process. 

The First Longest Unmanned Flight 

By bridging the gap in data transmission when transporting organs over long distances, the successful delivery done by the partnership between MissionGo and MediGo proves the reliability of UAS in boosting efficiency in the organ transportation process.

Of course, the biggest benefit is that it saves lives in the end, but the new process can get the job done faster without leaving a high carbon footprint. 

The Bottom Line: How MissionGo and MediGo Prove They can Go the Distance to Save a Life 

MissionGo and MediGo are innovators in the healthcare industry thanks to their continuous development of technological services that can enhance the quality of care given to patients. It addresses multiple geographical problems and data exchange issues, allowing healthcare professionals to streamline their workflow and complete organ transplants in less time. 

Of course, it still needs further research since healthcare professionals still question the UAS’ ability to preserve the quality of the organ in-flight. Nevertheless, it’s a promising step towards a better future.

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