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All About Dandruff – Finding a Cure for the Itch

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Dandruff affects as many as half the population and is characterized by excessive flaking of the scalp’s skin. It isn’t just uncomfortable; it can also be embarrassing, especially when it gets on your clothes. It can also be accompanied by other unsightly symptoms, such as greasy patches.

There are several underlying causes for dandruff, including the sensitivity to or an allergy from hair products, dry skin, and other medical conditions, like seborrheic dermatitis or fungus. The good news is, both over-the-counter products and natural remedies can treat dandruff effectively. 

Here’s all you need to know about dandruff and ways to treat it:

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is a common and non-inflammatory chronic condition where the skin on the scalp becomes dry and flaky. This is often accompanied by an itching sensation. 

Dandruff can easily be identified as flakes of dead skin on the scalp and in the hairs. The flakes that have fallen from the scalp are usually seen on the shoulders as small white particles. 

What causes dandruff?

There are both microbial and non-microbial causes for dandruff. 

Microbial – Those with dandruff have been found to have more lipophilic yeast (of the genus Malassezia) on their scalp’s skin as compared to people without the condition. The scales of dandruff may increase due to the presence of this yeast or vice versa. Anti-dandruff shampoos work by decreasing the amount of yeast colonization on the scalp.

Non-microbial – Non-microbial (or non-bacterial) causes of dandruff are mostly anything that causes irritation to the scalp. These include over-shampooing, too much combing, hair products that irritate the scalp, or even excessive sunlight, all of which cause the shedding of the scalp’s skin. 

At-home remedies

Anti-dandruff shampoos

There are two types of anti-dandruff shampoos: those that detach the scales of dandruff from the scalp and those that stabilize sebum production and exfoliation. These kinds of shampoos all work well, but only when used properly. As such, make sure to use them according to the instructions on the shampoo bottle. Some will direct you to rinse immediately while other shampoos work better by leaving them in contact with the scalp for a few minutes. 

Different anti-dandruff shampoos are also meant to be used at varying frequencies. While some might be ideal for use every other day, others might be more effective to be used only once a week. 

Tea tree and coconut oil

Both coconut and tea tree oils have anti-microbial properties that can help reduce the symptoms of dandruff. Tea tree oils are anti-inflammatory, whereas coconut oils have hydrating characteristics that can treat both dandruff and eczema.

Reducing stress

Stress can cause dandruff by compromising the immune system, which fights off different microbes and bacteria. A weakened immune system is one that might not be able to ward off the infections that can cause dandruff. This can also cause a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis, which is characterized by scaly patches, red skin, and dandruff.

Reducing stress can normalize the immune system and lessen dandruff.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a convenient way to treat dandruff, mainly because it is found in most kitchens. It works by gently exfoliating the scalp to remove the scales of dandruff. It also has anti-fungal properties that can counteract the yeast that causes dandruff. 

To use baking soda to treat dandruff, wet the hair and massage it directly into the scalp. Let sit for a few minutes and then continue with shampoo, conditioner, and the rest of your shower regimen. 

Eat Omega-3 rich food items

Omega-3 fatty acids are what make up the membranes surrounding the body’s cells. Their lipid structure makes them important to the health of the skin. These fatty acids manage oil production, prevent wrinkles and premature aging, and accelerate wound healing. Deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids could cause symptoms, such as dryness in the hair and skin, which could account for one possible cause of dandruff.

Eating fatty fish, seeds, or taking omega-3 supplements can help increase these fatty acids in your body, which can help resolve the symptoms of dandruff. 


Although having dandruff can be a frustrating and embarrassing experience, knowing the causes and several at home-remedies can boost your self-confidence. While common and chronic, this condition is fortunately treatable and doesn’t need medical attention unless it persists. Some self-care and good hair products should keep the falling skin flakes at bay. 

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