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Why You’ll Love Being a Morning Person

white ceramic mug on table

Nothing screams “weekend” more than sleeping past noon. Every 9-to-5 desk-dweller will know the allure of a snooze button, basking in the glory of five or ten extra minutes before having to beat workday traffic. Most have an excellent relationship with their mattress and thus hardly think of leaving it. Yet, early birds get the worm—and for a good reason! If you have no intention of giving early mornings a shot, here’s why you might change your mind. 

You Have More Time 

If there isn’t enough time in your day to get things done, waking up early will surely do the trick. Imagine having an extra hour in your day to catch up on a long-abandoned book, whip up an extra-scrumptious breakfast, or plan the rest of it. You’ll have more time to be productive instead of having to compromise. 

You Can Enjoy the Quiet

If nobody in your family is a morning person, getting ahead of the game means having another hour or two to enjoy the lull of a sleeping household. You can meditate, practice yoga, or indulge in a guilty pleasure before heading off to work. Alternatively, you can hit the office early to get menial tasks out of the way—if you’re lucky, you’ll get to clock out early too!

You’ll Live Longer

Being well-rested doesn’t mean letting your body decide when it’s time to get up. Much like a lack of sleep, oversleeping can exacerbate fatigue and impact your productivity. Those who aim for 7 to 8 hours of shuteye live longer than those who sleep more than 8 or less than 6. Tuning your body to natural circadian rhythms creates more restorative sleep. 

You Minimize Stress

Nothing beats a mile-per-hour mind than putting your racing thoughts to rest with a good night’s sleep. If you feel that time isn’t on your side, waking up early means wrapping up your day ahead of time. With the extra hour or two that you have, you can unwind with a cup of tea and film. 

You’ll Be Healthier

Grabbing a bagel or cup of coffee on the way to work doesn’t make for a healthy breakfast. Indulging in morning-person habits gives you room to squeeze in a jog around the block or means to throw together a bowl of fruits and oatmeal. A balanced diet and exercise can boost your energy levels throughout the day. 

You’ll Head for Success

Successful people kick-start their—early—day with a lot of planning and goal-setting. If you get up at 8:00 to make it to the office by 9:30, consider getting up at 7:00 to jot down daily objectives and practice affirmations. You’ll find that you can effectively self-motivate and start your day with a clear direction. 


Morning people are healthy, happy, and prosperous people. We won’t deny the perks of the occasional noontime “rise and shine,” but going into weekdays in full gear will pay off in the long run. 

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