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Top 3 Important Reasons Your Child Needs a Regular Flu Shot

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Children and adults alike fall victim to the flu season every fall, yet many people overlook the importance of getting yearly flu shots as a preventive measure. After all, prevention is always better than a cure, especially when it comes to the flu.

It’s easy to assume that the flu is another bad cold, but it can be dangerously contagious and deadly to children. Beyond putting them in extreme discomfort due to week-long body aches and fever, the condition can worsen into detrimental diseases like pneumonia. 

The Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest that children above the age of six months should get annual vaccinations, and the list below explores why it cannot be understated: 

Flu Season Constantly Evolves 

Many parents think that taking a flu vaccine once is enough to protect their children for years to come, but keep in mind that the flu is an evolving disease. The vaccination is designed to fight off current influenza, but different strains of the virus can develop an immunity against the vaccination. 

That’s why updating you and your children’s flu vaccination is crucial as it may lose its effectiveness through time. 

Asymptomatic Flu Can Still Affect Others 

Even when your child has a strong immune system and overcomes the flu season without a hitch, they could still put others in danger. There are kids, babies, and adults alike who are more vulnerable to the virus, which means the risk of infecting newborns or children with chronic diseases like asthma are high.

When your asymptomatic child spreads the flu to these unprotected groups of people, the flu can be the tipping point that aggravates their condition. This can result in serious repercussions from hospitalization to the development of long-term complications. 

Protect Newborns By Vaccinating The Family 

Babies that are six months and below cannot get vaccinated, which means the only way to protect them during the flu season is to ensure every member of the family is updated with the annual flu shots. 

Flu immunizations are also recommended to expecting mothers since it creates antibodies that protect the baby for several months, making it the preventive measure for your little bundle of joy.

The Bottom Line: The Importance Of Getting Yearly Flu Shots 

Flu vaccines may not protect you or your child’s health completely, but it serves as an effective shield that can reduce the high risk of your children needing an intensive care unit. Updating your vaccination also improves the probability of boosting their immunity, which can keep your children from catching the strain during flu season. 

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