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5 Tips to Help Start a Heart Wellness Regimen for Women

macro shot of vegetable lot

Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the U.S., accounting for one out of every five deaths in the country. The symptoms of heart disease in women can be more subtle. 

For example, women can experience chest pain at the start of an attack, but the other symptoms are not as pronounced. Fatigue, lightheadedness, nausea, and the like are all signs of heart disease, and they are all present in several other conditions. 

Preventing heart disease is possible when a woman gains access to better healthcare, practices healthy behaviors, and modifies their lifestyle to adopt the following.

Eat more fruits and vegetables daily

Women should have at least 2.5 servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit in their diet. Adding more natural products will increase the number of vitamins and minerals that a woman takes in. They must prioritize heart-healthy food like leafy greens, citrus fruits, and broccoli.

Eat whole foods and limit processed ones

Brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread give the body its required daily dose of fiber, while eggs, nuts, lean meat, beans, poultry, and fish are healthier protein sources.

Stay away from processed food, limit your portions, and refrain from excessive salt and sugar intake. Practicing this lets you maintain your blood pressure and sugar levels while reducing inflammations in the body. 

Start a regular exercise routine

There are plenty of health benefits to becoming physically active. Aside from preventing heart disease, exercise strengthens the heart and prevents other chronic conditions like diabetes.

To sustain a regular fitness practice, beginners should start slow; intense routines can easily overwhelm. It also helps to begin exercising with another person or with a group, as they can become accountability partners. Finally, people with exercise goals are more likely to stick with their program, as a goal gives them something concrete to achieve.

Get good quality sleep

Sleep fights off illness and improves a person’s mood and cognitive abilities. Adults must sleep for at least seven hours every day, but many get far less than that amount. To ensure a good night’s sleep, establishing a routine is vital. It will help the body get into a pattern, making it easy for the body to move into and out of wakefulness.

A person should also keep the bedroom cool and dark, and she must wind down for about 30 minutes before bedtime. Minimizing exposure to bright lights, noise, and distractions in the last half hour before bed will allow a person to sleep comfortably. Finally, it is necessary to avoid stimulants like coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes at night.

Manage stress and have boundaries

Women are often the caregivers in the home, which can cause them to take on more responsibilities than they can address. Stress management is a crucial factor in heart health, and time off from work or duties will help women attend to their needs.

A woman should also have a hobby or an interest outside of work and household management. These do not have to be elaborate pursuits; even something as simple as taking a walk or reading can bring joy and relaxation.


Women must focus on factors they can control when managing their heart health. Setting realistic goals and taking small steps towards these will help them develop the right attitude toward wellness. If they implement these changes, women will be on their way to a sustainable self-care routine.

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