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5 Alarming Acid Reflux Symptoms You Should Know

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Heartburn is a common condition that happens when your stomach acid backs up into your throat and can cause discomfort in your chest. While acid reflux can generally be easy to feel or identify, its symptoms can be less obvious. As a result, it can be left unaddressed and lead to more serious health concerns.

As soon as you feel discomfort in your chest, consult a doctor, have yourself checked, and get a diagnosis of your heartburn. To take the first step in determining if what you are experiencing could be acid reflux, it is best to check health news articles about heartburn. Here are some of its common and uncommon symptoms you should be aware of:

Sharp chest pain 

Piercing chest pain is a clear indicator of heartburn. However, other more serious health conditions also have this symptom, such as a heart attack. To avoid mistaking your heartburn for a heart attack and vice versa, observe your symptoms for some time and call a doctor to receive a proper diagnosis.

A cracking voice

Stomach acid that seeps into your esophagus can irritate your vocal cords that can lead to hoarseness and cracking of your voice. If you sound like you are in the early stages of a cold, be vigilant as this can be a heartburn symptom. The best way to determine whether you are having a cold or acid reflux is when your voice sounds huskier after you have eaten.

Sore throat

A sore throat is typically caused by classic cold or flu. But in some cases, you can experience this when you have digestive issues, most especially if your throat aches only after meals. If you don’t have any other cold or flu symptoms such as sniffing or sneezing, then you may have acid reflux.

A bitter taste in your mouth 

Since acid reflux involves stomach acid escaping from your stomach and reaching into your throat, you may taste something bitter and icky in your mouth. When this happens especially at night, see a doctor and get therapy right away to avoid the extreme case of being choked. Also, make sure to stay informed about the latest healthcare news so you can equip yourself with the necessary information to address your health condition.

Respiratory problems

Chronic cough, wheezing, breathing difficulties, and other respiratory symptoms can be caused by heartburn since stomach acid penetrates and irritates your lungs. See a doctor immediately to avoid your respiratory issues from developing asthma and consider getting a pH test if you think you have acid reflux. This test lets you measure the amount of acid in your esophagus for a 24- hour period, which helps you confirm if you have heartburn.


Acid reflux has telltale signs that let you identify your health condition without any hassle. When you are confused about what you are experiencing, pay attention to your symptoms and consult a doctor immediately to determine if you really have heartburn. Do your research about it to help you address your health more efficiently.

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