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How You Can Help Boost Your Child’s Height

woman in white and brown stripe shirt lying on green bed

Have you ever worried about your child’s growth? Are you concerned that they are not getting as tall as their peers? Rest assured that there are ways to increase your child’s height. First, it is vital to keep in mind that certain factors can affect your child’s growth. Children usually grow until after puberty (for girls) and until they reach 18 years old (for boys), and before that period, environmental factors may play a role in your height as well. 

Here are several factors that affect height: 

  • DNA – 700 different genes determine height. Normal ranges vary depending on ethnic backgrounds, while genetic conditions may affect height. 
  • Hormones – Growth hormones are essential, yet certain health conditions may hinder the amount of this hormone in the body, which can affect height. Additionally, thyroid, testosterone, and estrogen also influence growth during puberty. 
  • Gender – Males tend to be taller than females, and they tend to continue growing longer than women. 

If you want to increase your teen’s height, here are several tips for you to consider: 

Make Sure They Receive Good Nutrition

Keep in mind that nutrition plays a significant role in growth, and children who don’t have a proper diet may not grow as tall as kids with good nutrition. Ensuring your child eats balanced meals that are rich with fruits and vegetables is crucial to ensure that they’re getting all the vitamins and minerals that they need to grow. Moreover, you can add protein-rich foods to your child’s diet, such as meat, seafood, poultry, and eggs. 

Make Sure They Get Enough Sleep

Along with proper nutrition, your child should get adequate sleep every night. This is because sleep promotes growth and development in kids and teens. During deep sleep, the body releases hormones that it needs in order to grow. 

Make Sure They Are Active

Getting your children to live an active lifestyle has become challenging these days due to the advent of technology. This is primarily because children are more interested in using their mobile phones, tablets, or computers than spending time outdoors. Don’t let your child spend most of their time in front of these devices, instead, encourage them to live an active lifestyle by playing outside or taking part in sports. Remember that physical activity can help make the bones healthier and stronger. 

Make Sure They Have Good Posture

If you notice your child slouching, address this issue right away, or it may form into a habit that will be difficult to correct. Encourage your child to maintain proper body posture when sitting and standing, as this can help make them taller. Also, make sure that they don’t keep their spines bent for a long time when they are seated. 


At this point, you now know that many factors can influence your child’s growth. If you notice that your child’s height is not increasing as fast as expected, you might want to take a look into the factors mentioned and follow the tips listed above to assist their growth. At the same time, keep in mind that your child’s height during adolescence may impact their self-esteem, especially for males. Ensuring that they are getting proper nutrition, having a good sleep, and practicing an active lifestyle are vital to their growth. 

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