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6 Tips for Preventing Kidney Stones Naturally

man in black crew neck shirt drinking water

Studies show that up to 12% of Americans are affected by kidney stones. It doesn’t stop there—another study shows that having one kidney stone increases the likelihood of getting another one within the next 10 years by 50%

Your kidneys are an essential organ in your body as it is responsible for the purification and filtration of your blood. For this reason, issues such as kidney stones can cause not only excruciating pain but also more serious health problems. 

There is not a single and absolute way to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Nevertheless, there are some steps you can take to help reduce your risk. Learn some of them in the sections below:

Stay Hydrated

Water is important in keeping wastes moving through the kidneys. That said, if your body does not get the fluid it needs to flush out these toxins, they can easily accumulate and form into stones. 

This is a straightforward way to prevent stone formation: all you have to do is remind yourself to drink water regularly throughout the day. 

Cut Down on Salty Foods 

Remember that too much of something is bad enough. While sodium is essential in maintaining the right fluid balance in your body, too much of this can increase your blood pressure. Moreover, it can contribute to the formation of kidney stones and hinder your kidneys to get rid of excess sodium and fluid in your body. 

Keep Sugar Consumption Low

Another item that you must cut down on is sugar. This can be found in desserts, carbonated beverages, and energy drinks. 

The high sugar amount in these food items can increase the concentration of calcium in your urine, which consequently contributes to the formation of kidney stones. Additionally, this can also put you at risk of diabetes. 

Add Citrus Fruits to Your Diet 

Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits are your best friends when it comes to keeping your kidneys healthy. You can choose to consume them as they are or make them into citrus fruit juice. You can also add lemon to the water you drink every day. 

Consuming a healthy amount of citric acid every day prevents the formation of kidney stones. It increases your urine volume and keeps tiny crystals from joining together to form bigger ones. 

Ensure a Regular Intake of Magnesium and Vitamin B6

This nutrient and vitamin help prevent the recurrence of kidney stones. Magnesium is discovered to inhibit the formation of crystals and weakens existing ones. Vitamin B6, on the other hand, is known to reduce urinary excretion of oxalate, which is one of the major determinants of risk for kidney stones. 

Exercise Regularly 

Incorporate physical activities into your daily routine. Doing so will help aid your digestion and how your body absorbs vitamins and minerals. Most importantly, it also stimulates fluid consumption. All of these naturally lower the risks of kidney stone formation. 


Kidney stones are a common problem. Nevertheless, you can reduce your risks of developing this condition by following the tips mentioned above and making significant changes in your diet and lifestyle. Stay hydrated, keep your body moving, and make the necessary dietary changes to keep your kidneys—and your whole body—healthy from the inside out. 

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