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Why Face Masks Work and Why You Should Wear One

Men wearing masks in Macau during Coronavirus

The debate for face masks continues to grow amid the global pandemic that has caused millions of infections and deaths worldwide. With still no cure in sight, people are finding it harder each day to remain locked inside their homes. Despite economies taking a hit, the need for people to get back on their feet and resume what was once their normal lives are slowly taking place. 

As restrictions are being loosened in various parts of the world, experts continuously encourage people to wear their face masks when going outside and practice proper social distancing. However, some individuals tend to defy the rules, especially on the topic of wearing face masks. This is mostly because they claim that it is difficult to breathe with the mask on. 

The Importance of Face Masks

The transmission of the virus is said to happen mostly through respiratory droplets that are released through talking, sneezing, coughing, or laughing. If these droplets land on the mouth, nose, or eyes or are inhaled into the lungs, a person can contract the virus. This is why the need for protection is vital, which is through face masks. 

This form of protection creates a barrier and catches the droplets, and helps prevent the spread of the virus. However, a considerable number of people who are COVID-19 positive don’t have any symptoms or some experience delay before the symptoms show up. This leads to faster transmission if the person and the people surrounding them are not wearing face protection. 

Moreover, scientific evidence says that face masks can effectively reduce the spread of the virus. A researcher based at Texas A&M University calculated that over 66,000 infections were prevented by using a face mask in New York City. Aside from NYC, various regions that have encouraged the use of face masks early had milder COVID-19 cases. 

The High Number of Skeptics

Despite the scientific evidence that supports the wearing of face protection, many remain skeptical about its usage. Aside from being uncomfortable to wear, some of the skeptics’ concern is that they’re worried that the carbon dioxide build-up will make them sick. Experts have already debunked this myth as there is no scientific reason behind this. On that point, healthcare professionals have been using face masks for years and they can still breathe through them. 

Another reason there are skeptics is because they are not high risks, which means that they don’t need to wear a mask. However, there have been many cases of healthy and fit people who got infected by the virus. Even if a person has a lower chance of having a severe case of COVID-19, the main concern is the spread of the virus, which they can give to high-risk individuals who have a lesser chance to survive the disease. 


During this time of uncertainty, the cooperation from the public is vital to fight the virus. As scientists all over the world work tirelessly to produce a vaccine, the most that citizens can do is to protect themselves and the people around them. Only then will the coronavirus cases be lowered, and eventually, return to normal living again. 

For now, with still many skeptics who protest the use of face masks, the future remains bleak. However, with all the pieces of evidence that point to the effectiveness of face protection during this pandemic, there’s no reason to hesitate. 

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