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Why You Need to Start Saying No to Sugar

spoon of powder

It is challenging to say no to a delicious cinnamon roll or a chewy chocolate chip cookie. Having one after a long day is an excellent way to unwind, not to mention that sugar tastes good. It gives your food some balance and contrast, and it makes your dessert heavenly. However, even if it gives you so much joy when you consume sugar, it is one of the worst ingredients in a diet. So, the question is: how much sugar can you have in a day? 

Sugar is not good because it gives you more calories without any nutrients. It can affect your metabolism and give you other health risks, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Do you need to stay away from sugar entirely, or is it okay to have it in doses? 

Here are some things you need to know about sugar:

What are the different kinds of sugars?

There are two types of sugars you need to take note of when checking the ingredient list of some products. One of which you want to stay away from, the other is a better alternative.

Added sugar can be found in junk food like candy, processed food, soft drinks, and baked goods. These are the types of sugars you want to stay away from when you’re trying to watch your diet and health. Some commonly added sugar ingredients are high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar. 

Natural sugars are sugars that can be found in fruits and vegetables. These are healthier alternatives because they have many nutrients and fiber that can help your body function properly. These types of sugars are better to consume than added sugar that can mess up your bodily functions. 

How much sugar should you consume in a day?

There is no concrete answer about how much sugar you can have daily. That is because each body functions and reacts to sugar differently. You might be able to consume two cinnamon rolls and digest them properly, while some might have a problem with that.

A healthcare article from the American Heart Association recommends that women only have sugar equivalent to 100 calories a day, which is around six teaspoons full. Men, on the other hand, can have 150 calories, or nine teaspoons of sugar. 

However, the US dietary guideline recommends something different. They say that you can consume 10 percent of your daily calorie intake; that means you can squeeze one whole and half a cookie a day into your diet. 

Should you avoid added sugars altogether?

Ideally, you would want to minimize your added sugar intake. If you can eliminate it from your diet, you should. Added sugar is hazardous if you suffer from obesity, diabetes, or any heart problems. It can trigger many health complications. 

As much as you can, it is best to stay away from added sugars to help decrease any complications that can occur in your body. Always check the back of your products for the ingredients list.


If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, excluding added sugars as an ingredient to your meal plans is the best thing you can do to your body. Whenever you need a sugar boost, it is best to get them from natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables. There are different healthcare articles online that can give you better alternatives to your sugar cravings. It’s better to start living healthier now, rather than wait for difficulties to arise before making significant steps to changing your lifestyle. 

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