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Swimming in the Middle of a Pandemic: Safety Tips You Need to Know

woman swimming alone in body of water

Swimming in pools is one of the most convenient ways to get a bit of relaxation or some exercise. At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, many establishments were closed to ensure public safety, and some were gyms and public pools. Now that some states are slowly easing their quarantine rules, some public spaces are beginning to open, including public pools.

Even though public pools are about to open, these establishments are still required to follow strict rules for public safety. If you’re ready to head out and squeeze in some physical activities, here are some public pool tips you need to remember:

Check yourself for COVID-19 symptoms

Before doing any activities outdoors, it is best to check if you’re feeling sick or experiencing some COVID-19 symptoms. If you have a fever, runny nose, cough, chest pains, and other symptoms, it is best to stay home and monitor what you are feeling and get tested. It is also better to stay home as well, even if you’re only experiencing some allergies. 

If you are feeling fine and not experiencing any of these symptoms, you may use your public pools but with extreme caution. 

Swim responsibly and with caution

During these times, your enemy is one that you cannot see and could be lurking in different areas and surfaces. Although swimming has many health benefits, swimming in the middle of a global pandemic can be a bit tricky if you allow yourself to act irresponsibly. 

It is best to continue to follow social distancing rules even while in the pool and avoid sharing pool equipment to prevent cross-contamination. Should you have no choice but to share a particular item, it is best to disinfect the object before using it. 

Another point you should remember is that some people are asymptomatic. It is extremely dangerous because they carry and can transmit the virus but do not show any symptoms.

Make sure you’re local public pool practice COVID-19 guidelines

It takes two to tango—if you’re practicing proper COVID-19 protocols, but the people around you and your local public pool don’t, then you’re still at high risk for contracting the disease. Now that establishments are opening, the government and medical experts have created updated COVID-19 protocols that the citizens need to follow. The rules could differ from different areas of your country, depending on the rate of COVID-19 cases.

Some standard rules are disinfecting and doing health checks. Public establishments are required to disinfect their areas after each round of new occupants. They should also be following a required capacity per group of citizens who use their space and do necessary health checks before allowing them to enter.

It is always best to read up on the different pandemic protocols that every establishment should follow. The public’s safety is paramount, so if you find an establishment not following the proposed guidelines, do not hesitate to inform your local officials.


Though swimming has many health benefits, doing this activity during a global pandemic can be tricky and risky. Following standard protocol and ensuring other people are responsible will help lower everyone’s risk of contracting the disease. To ensure your safety, always read up on the latest healthcare news articles to get updates on the virus and how you can adequately protect yourself and your family.

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