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Being a Better Man: What Women Wish Men Knew About Menopause

woman sitting on chair

For most men, an unspoken truth that prevails regardless of one’s age is that we couldn’t understand women as well as we should—even if our lives depended on it. 

From emotions and sentiments to functions and necessities, the range of different womanly aspects that men aren’t familiar with is nearly endless. While it may be a common notion that men would know more about woodworking than the importance of not saying “calm down” to an angry woman, there’s one bit that they’re far less informed about: 


Admittedly, the only thing that males know about this essential bodily function is that it’s a “period of peace” where they don’t have to hide in a bomb shelter a few days each month. Although there are some anomalies in the crowd, the majority of guys are a far cry away from having sufficient knowledge about the process in question to tackle it when it comes.

And no, it doesn’t signal a time where you can finally breathe a sigh of relief without having to worry about spikes in emotions and hormones.

As a guy that has a few special aging women in your life, you’ve probably gotten acquainted with the importance of knowing about menopause after hearing a whole lot about it in conversations. Now, however, the question remains: do you actually know enough about menopause to properly act or think when it comes?

A few points to brush up on

If your answer to the question above is a resounding “no”, then worry not because we’ve got you covered with this guide to the crucial points you need to know about this process:

Truth bit #1: It doesn’t just come out of nowhere

Menopause, contrary to popular male (and even female) belief, is a gradual process that occurs over the span of years or decades. In fact, it can even start at the age of 20.

This pre-pause concept is referred to by gynecologists and medical professionals as “perimenopause.” Once a woman reaches perimenopause, the rush of blood doesn’t suddenly come to a screeching halt because periods can still come on an arbitrary basis—spanning from 10 days to 120 days after the last cycle.

Truth bit #2: Menopause is different for every woman

Instead of approaching the idea of menopause with a sigh of relief, it’s best for any man to double-down on understanding because it’s an experience that varies from woman to woman.

As opposed to the erroneous “period halt” idea that most guys hold, the reality is that every woman experiences menopause differently to the point where they may see it as scary. Some may experience no periods at all mixed with heightened anxiety, while others may have a concoction of a stuttering period, mood swings, and a difficult time sleeping.

Fortunately, reading this article means that you’re on the right track, so keep it up by keeping an open ear, aware mind, and watchful eyes to learn more about how you can help your loved one adjust!

Truth bit #3: PMS won’t just go away once menopause rolls around

Sorry to burst your bubble, but dealing with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a lifetime ordeal for any woman. As a matter of fact, menopause can feel like PMS with no relief.

What any man needs to know about this process is that it can further aggravate the effects of PMS to the extent that such symptoms can persist up to a month at a time. During these moments leading up to the first few days a woman is expected to start experiencing the effects of the process, it’s best to come prepared and patient!


Contrary to the widely-held idea that menopause signals a man’s escape from the perils of a period, the process bears a few essential truths that may completely turn a set of expectations on its head. With the help of this guide and the truth tips mentioned above, however, you’ll be able to best inform your expectations and come prepared to help a woman in your life get through the experience!

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