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How to Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels to Avoid Diabetes

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Blood sugar comes from the food that you consume. The body creates blood sugar by digesting food into sugar that circulates in the bloodstream. This sugar is what is used for energy, but too much of it can be harmful. 

High levels of blood sugar that are beyond normal limits can cause diseases such as type 2 diabetes. If left unmanaged, it can lead to problems with kidneys, heart, eyes, and blood vessels.

Research has shown that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by adopting a healthy diet.  However, it’s essential to know how eating habits can affect blood sugar levels before making any changes.

When You Eat

The body breaks down everything you eat, and it absorbs it as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and other nutrients. While great for providing energy, too much carbohydrates in your system is bad for you. This is because it turns into blood sugar; therefore, the more carbohydrates you eat, the higher levels of blood sugar you get. 

Keep in mind that carbohydrates in liquid form are absorbed more quickly than solid food. 

So what are foods that are high in carbohydrates? 

  • White grains
  • Pastries
  • Cold processed cereals
  • Sugary drinks
  • White bread

If you don’t have diabetes, you don’t necessarily have to avoid these foods. Instead, you need to control the portion sizes that you eat. If you can, you can also look for healthier alternatives that will not have a huge impact on your blood glucose levels. 

Eat Right

As mentioned earlier, preventing type 2 diabetes and high blood sugar levels is possible. Eating mixed meals is essential, including  foods that have the right mix of protein, fat, and fiber that can slow down the digestion of carbohydrates.

How frequent you eat during the day also plays a significant role. Therefore, it’s essential to be consistent by eating nutritious meals and healthy snacks every three to five hours. 

People with diabetes may be recommended a certain amount of carbohydrates for every meal and snack. It will also be helpful to work with a dietician to create a custom diet plan for one’s specific health condition. 


Exercise has a lot of benefits, especially for people with diabetes. Since blood sugar is used for energy, using your muscles allows your cells to absorb sugar from the blood for energy. As such, exercise can help lower blood sugar for hours even after you stop moving. Performing regular exercise may also make your body more sensitive to insulin that will keep blood sugar levels within the normal range. 


Your diet and eating habits have a significant impact on your blood sugar levels. That’s why if you want to keep your blood sugar levels within the normal range, it’s essential to eat right on a consistent basis. You may also engage in regular exercise to promote better health and keep blood sugar levels at the minimum.

Remember the information provided above so that you can continue to be diabetes-free. Eat healthy foods, keep your body moving, and visit your doctor regularly to keep track of your health.

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