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5 Varieties of Tea That Promote Health and Wellbeing

clear glass cup with tea near brown ceramic teapot

Teas are aromatic beverages made by immersing dried and cut leaves and flowers in boiling water. They can be sourced from different plants, with each one providing a unique set of characteristics.

People drink tea for a variety of different reasons. Some consume tea because of its taste, while others drink tea for health reasons. Many types of teas also contain compounds that are beneficial for the overall health of a person. These are believed to relieve certain ailments and improve the symptoms of various conditions.

To give you a clearer idea, here are several different varieties of tea and the health benefits that they provide:

1. Green Tea

Green tea is probably the most popular type of tea that most people know. It is one of the most consumed teas around the world, as this is praised and recognized for its various health benefits. Its medicinal properties are linked with its polyphenols content. This is a micronutrient that has antioxidant properties. As you may know, antioxidants are substances that combat free radicals in the body, including cellular damage that leads to aging.

According to recent studies, green tea has the ability to:

  • Enhance cognitive functioning
  • Improve working memory

2. Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus is commonly used as an elegant garnish for many dishes, such as salads. It is also produced as a herbal tea or tisane by infusing its calyces. Many people love consuming hibiscus tea for its sour yet refreshing taste. Researchers have also linked hibiscus tea to relieve certain ailments as this has antioxidant and antitumoral effects.

With that said, many believe it may have many health benefits, including:

  • Fighting certain types of leukemia cells
  • Regulating systolic and diastolic blood pressure
  • Protecting against the aging actions of free radicals

3. Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea is basically a mixture of green tea and jasmine flowers. Due to the presence of jasmine flowers, this tea has an enriched aroma. Knowing that it has the same components as green tea, many people believe that it can relieve different ailments. Aside from antioxidative properties, jasmine flowers have their own medicinal properties as well.

In fact, jasmine tea is linked to various health benefits, including:

  • Improved wellbeing
  • Reduced impact of stress
  • Protection from age-related damage

4. Lemon Verbena Tea

Lemon verbena, scientifically known as Aloysia Citrodora, is another type of herbal tea with great medicinal properties. Unlike citrus tea blends, this type of tea has a subtler, less citrusy aroma than lemon.

Lemon verbena tea has one prominent health benefit:

  • Promotes weight loss

Due to its polyphenols component, the formation of fatty acids in the body decreases, making this type of tea a potential treatment for obesity-related illnesses.

5. Rooibos Tea

Rooibos, or redbush, tea is a type of tea made from the Aspalathus Linearis plant native to South Africa. This also has antioxidative properties that, as you may know by now, provide good health to a person. However, research says that its antioxidant properties are not quite as strong as green tea.

Some of its known health benefits include:

  • Protecting the liver from oxidative stress
  • Boosting overall health
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Relaxing tense muscles


Tea, in general, has many health benefits. It can help relieve symptoms of various ailments and promote a healthy mind and body for many people. As you can see, there are many types of tea in the market, and all of them have different medicinal properties to offer. That is why it is essential that you know each one’s components for you to choose the right product.

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