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Is It Safe to Have a Mammogram While There’s an Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic?

smiling woman standing near another woman beside mammogram machine

Going out of your home nowadays poses a lot of health risks, especially with the COVID-19 situation that’s currently affecting the whole world. 

With many activities and offices put on hold, including medical check-ups transitioning to online diagnosis, staying in is a choice for most people. But being home with limited access to a physical check-up with a health professional may leave some people unaware of their actual condition. 

The Reality of Setting Doctor Appointments During the COVID-19 Outbreak

For women, it’s essential to take regular mammograms to avoid impending risks and further issues. Being a physical exam involving touch and feeling the breasts, a physical appointment is necessary to be certain of your health. 

Some people are fine delaying at least a month or two, but pushing it back for at least six months because of the uncertainty of the COVID-19 dissipating anytime soon may hinder the early detection of a possible health risk. If left unaware, early stages of Breast Cancer might be skipped and lead to further complications.

It’s a personal decision whether to take a mammogram soon or not that requires a critical weigh-in on your situation. Either way, it imposes a threat, so here we have some tips to help you decide how cautious you have to be when taking your test. 

Tip #1: Know Your Risk of Having a Breast Cancer

Many factors lead to breast cancer, so knowing these can help you determine if you need immediate attention. Check if you have a family history of breast cancer because it can be hereditary. You may also check your breasts for lumps by feeling it with your own hands. If you have a mutation on a BRCA gene based on your previous tests, you might have to follow a check-up. All of these said, must be coordinated with your doctor to help you decide even better on taking a mammogram.

Tip #2: Assess the COVID-19 Situation in Your Area

If your area has higher cases of COVID-19, it’s better to stay in and be vigilant of the situation. For milder areas, you may go out, but always remember that any given threat is still a threat to your health. So go out and make the appointment but follow all the necessary protocols to keep you safe from the pandemic. These include social distancing, proper sanitation such as wearing masks, gloves, and using alcohol, and don’t forget to wash your hands at all times.

Tip #3: Research on the Nearest Facilities that Conduct Mammogram

It’s essential to stay close at home and don’t limit yourself with your options. Check out other facilities aside from your usual clinic. These may include radiology or imaging centers, mammography clinics, and some physicians are also open to specified schedules. 

The Bottom Line 

With all these said, it all goes down to being responsible when you’re out. Protocols are implemented to help you navigate around your area despite the situation, but it’s always about being vigilant about your health and environment.

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