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The Warning Signs of Heatstroke and Heat Exhaustion

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Heat-related conditions such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke are a frequent occurrence in the United States. Most of them are minor cases, but some are fatal. All of them, however, are preventable.  

For those who are not too familiar with heatstroke or exhaustion, heatstroke happens when the body is unable to regulate its temperature. On the other hand, heat exhaustion slowly develops over several days of being exposed to high temperatures and can eventually lead to heatstroke.

In any case, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with the warning signs so that you don’t succumb to these preventable conditions.

The Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion and Heatstroke

What are the symptoms that accompany heatstroke and heat exhaustion? While there are many, the most common ones can include paleness, cramps, weakness, dizziness, heavy sweating, nausea, fainting, vomiting, and fatigue.

Many things can cause the above symptoms. if they occur when an individual is surrounded by high heat, he or she might probably be experiencing heat exhaustion, which then slowly leads to heatstroke.

The People at Greatest Risk

Anyone can be a victim of such dangerous conditions. However, it is especially common with adults and older folks, particularly those dealing with high blood pressure. Those who participate in activities under the sun are also prone.

In any case, one of the main reasons people die to these conditions is because they are not aware of the symptoms that accompany them. When they start experiencing the symptoms, they do not realize the danger that they are in. 

As such, it is important that a person pays close attention to the aforementioned symptoms and act quickly so that their condition does not worsen. If left untreated, these symptoms will take over the person’s body and eventually lead to heatstroke.

What to Do In Case You Feel Symptoms

if you are experiencing any of the symptoms or see that someone else is exhibiting them, they must be brought to a cool place immediately. This can either be under a roof with some cool shade or straight into an air-conditioned room.

Once that is done, the individual must lie down on his or her back with their legs raised higher than the level at which their heart rests. Other things that can be done to help cool the individual can include cold showers and soaking one’s body in a cold and wet towel.

Finally, of all the things that a person must go through to cool down, drinking water is the most important thing. However, one must avoid any caffeinated drinks, alcoholic drinks, and sweet drinks. That is because they all can lead to dehydration and put the person at further risk of a heatstroke. 

With that said, if the symptoms continue to show even after over an hour, he or she must be brought to the hospital immediately for medical care.


While humans are built to adapt to different temperatures, sometimes the body is not quick enough to do so.

For those who are working in hot environments or participating in rigorous activities, these are the symptoms that must always be paid attention to. That way, once they start to appear, action can be taken to cool down the body immediately. Otherwise, seeking help in a medical institution is the best thing one can do if symptoms persist.

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